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I jolted up in my bed to the sound of a bird clawing at my window. On my windowsill stood a plump and sleek black crow. It was the biggest crow I had seen. I stood up from my bed. I felt uncomfortable around it.

I knew it was just a bird, but I felt like it was watching me, so closely. It's eyes glistened in the darkness and it's claws were greedy for something to kill.

"Shoo." I half yelled. I didn't want to wake anyone up, especially Elena.

Elena was my twin sister, although oddly enough, we weren't much alike. The only thing that really declared us twins was our appearance.

I sighed as the crow kept it's stance. I couldn't just let it stay there.

"Go! Shoo!" This time I was louder. I was more annoyed.

Finally, it flew away from my window. I always left it open, since it would be nice and cool whilst I slept. I was never worried about someone coming in through the window or breaking in. It was Mystic Falls and those things just didn't happen here.

I slowly got back to bed, trying not to think of school tomorrow. It was impossible though, school was inevitably apart of my life. It's not that I didn't like school it's just that, I hadn't gone to school a single year without having my parents around.

This year, that would all change. My eyes flickered over to look at the night sky, propping myself up on my side, wondering what the year would hold for me, for Elena and I ; for all of us.

Goosebumps on my arms, a cold breeze swooped in from outside, and I stood up again, this time closing and locking my window shut. I felt stupid for feeling jumpy about a bird, it was nothing.

I sighed heavily, before getting back to sleep for the night.


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my sister Elena walking around the house, opening and closing doors, occasionally knocking on my door to wake me as she went to and from her room to get ready.

Today was the first day of junior year. I officially made it to junior year, and I figured maybe it would feel a little more exciting, but instead I still had the same urge to just throw myself back under the covers.

"We're going to be late." Elena said as she marched into my room, already dressed with her bag slung over her shoulder.

Her long brown hair was flattened straight perfectly. She always made sure to have the smoothest, soft hair and I didn't know how she managed. One of the things that differentiated us, was our hair. I left my hair wavy, curled. I didn't know why but our mom used to always do our hair differently to help to differentiate us easier.

I faked a cough, sitting up in bed. "I'm sick. I can't make it today.." She rolled her eyes and I laughed, obviously not sick.

"Come on." She gently tossed a pillow at me, before walking out of my room, leaving me to get ready. Getting ready was half the battle, the other half was making it to school on time, especially with Jeremy, too.

In the weirdest way, I felt surprisingly optimistic about the day. Getting up was always annoying, but once I was on my feet, I felt a lot better about going to school.

After I got dressed, I stopped to look at the small picture frame sitting on my nightstand. My parents, brother Jeremy, and Elena and I all together sometime right before the accident. We were all smiling, Elena holding the camera for us as we tried to huddle into the frame.

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