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I stepped into my room from the bathroom later that night, surprised when I found Stefan gazing out of my window, before turning to face me. My bare feet padded over the parquet, able to feel and sense every split, and every line in the floors, body still overly sensitive from the blood in my system ; his blood.

My gaze moved from him, to the shiny, glimmering piece of jewelry he held up in his hand, and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips. "My bracelet." I announced, as he too smiled, walking over to me. "I thought I'd never see it again.."

I was so happy, so grateful to have it back, saddened that I had thought I'd almost lost the last piece of my mother I'd ever get to have. And yet, with every giddy, relieved feeling, nothing could compare, nothing could ever beat the feelings that stirred inside me when I looked up into his eyes.

Stefan unclasped my bracelet, and I extended out my arm, lips parting as he gently wrapped it around my wrist. The simple sensation of his skin soft against mine, sent a spiral of shivers down my spine, the pad of his thumb trailing over my wrist once he'd clasped my bracelet.

I knew that I was wrong for what I was about to do, knew that I shouldn't, but the way that he was looking at me when I lifted my head, the way his eyes followed mine -  she didn't even cross my mind when I pushed up on my toes, when he brought his lips down to mine.

She didn't cross my mind when her boyfriend pressed his hands on the small of my back, pulling me in closer. She didn't cross my mind when he pushed his tongue past my lips, didn't cross my mind when I carded my fingers through his hair, didn't cross my mind, didn't cross my mind..

The only time that I thought of my sister was when I woke up out of my sleep, to realize it was just a dream, that Stefan had never come over, that we'd never kissed, and then I was flooded with nothing but the feeling of guilt.

I sat up in the night, confused when I found a breeze blowing the curtains from my window, that I hadn't opened. I got up, shivering from the cool air that I'd awoken to a few times before, but this time when I lifted my hand to close it, I found something ; my bracelet.


"Come on Jeremy, going to school!" Elena called out from the living room, as we both waited for Jeremy to get downstairs. "Walking out the door now!"

It had been a few days since I'd dreamt of Stefan, and it had been a few days of trying to swallow down the guilt. I'd chalked up my dream to having a lot of his blood in my system that night, and maybe that was the reason why, but one thing I couldn't rationalize was how I'd gotten my bracelet back. So, I didn't think about it, trying to forget all about the past few days, about that awful night.

It didn't make it any easier on me with Elena being distant around me, only reminding me of what I'd done, of what had happened. I didn't blame her, I didn't expect her to know how I was feeling. I didn't expect anyone to understand what it felt like to kill someone.

"Forgot this." My thoughts were shaken by Jenna who was offering me my thermos I must've left in the kitchen.

"Thank you." I replied, smiling as I took it from her.

Elena and I gave up waiting on Jeremy, heading to the door, but just as Elena opened it, we found a familiar face standing on the other side of it, ready to knock. It was our Uncle John, our dad's brother.

"Elena, Lyssa!" He greeted, smiling at us.

"Uncle John!" Elena responded in surprise, glancing back at me.

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