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Elena had left me a note that she was skipping school that day to go check on Stefan and Vicki, who he'd finally found. Jeremy was also skipping school, but not to do drugs or anything super expected. He was off with the police looking for Vicki. They had a search party for her.

I wanted to tell him not to go look for her, but he wouldn't listen, and I understood him, but he really should've just let her go because now she was a vampire. Everything was just becoming so confusing, and happening all at once.

I had gotten dressed a little later after I'd found the note and gone to Stefan's, too. Elena's car was parked in the driveway, and I parked beside her, before getting out.

I was a little surprised when I found out she'd gone to see Stefan, with what had happened last night. They'd broken up, she admitted and I almost felt like I was the one going through the breakup because I knew how happy he'd made Elena, and just because everything was changing didn't mean she had to let go of him.

I walked up to the door, knocking and waiting for Stefan to get to me, but again, it was Damon instead. I took a deep breath, reminded of the last time we'd stood there at the door. Last time he couldn't get out, and now he could. I swallowed hard.

"Are Stefan and Elena here?" I simply asked. I couldn't stand to look at him after what he'd done. The worst part was that he didn't even care, didn't even apologize.

"Yup!" He said, enthusiastically and I figured that had something to do with him being able to walk around in the daylight again.

I thought maybe he'd tell me to come in, but he didn't, just leaning against the door, watching me with look that only meant trouble. "Where are they?" I questioned, still standing there.

"And good morning to you," He responded, as if I was the one being impolite. "little miss 'I'm on a mission'."

I narrowed my eyes on him, crossing my arms over my chest. "How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done?"

"And how can you be so brave and stupid," Damon added. "to call a vampire glib and arrogant?"

"If you wanted me dead, I'd be dead." I stated, and knew it was true. He'd said so before, and yet I was still alive and unharmed.

"Yes," He agreed. "you would."

"But I'm not."

"Yet." Damon added, and I let out a deep breath. Was he really going to kill me? And when?

"Where are they?" I asked once more, deciding to ignore him because I didn't want to make him anymore angry than he probably already was.

"Lyssa," I looked past Damon to see Stefan and Elena, and I was relieved. My eyes flickered back up to Damon, giving him a small smirk that he always gave me, before stepping inside, nudging his shoulder with mine as I walked past him.

"Hey," I joined the both of them. "Where's Vicki?"

"She's upstairs." Elena told me, motioning back to the staircase and I wondered if that was where Stefan's room was.

"What happens now?" I looked back over at Stefan, before averting my eyes over to Elena. "I don't know if you know, but Jeremy is out there searching for her with the rest of the town. What do we tell him?"

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