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I hurried to the school, nearly tripping into the hallway past the double doors that led me inside. My feet carried me past a hall of lockers, and as I ran all I could think of was just getting to Stefan, because it's where I knew, without a single doubt, that I'd be completely safe.

But, I never made it to him.

And I wondered later, what could've happened if I had just gotten to him first, if my life would've been different.

I stopped in my tracks when Nik was suddenly in my path, standing in the doorframe of one of the entries to the cafeteria. Then I heard a shuffle of footsteps just around the corner, and I knew I had a split second to run, but before I could move, Nik suddenly swept me into the dimly lit cafeteria, gently pressing my back to the wall.

My breathing hitched as he brought his face so close to mine, putting a finger to my lips. My heart was ecstatic with fear, and yet, there was still a part of me that was more curious about him than afraid.

I heard the sound of Stefan, Elena and Caroline's voices echoing through the hall as they talked and I knew that I could scream, but I also knew that it could bring forth danger to the people that I loved.

So I didn't fight, didn't scream, didn't move, and it was like Nik knew himself that I wouldn't dare do anything that would risk their lives, like he knew the hold that the younger Salvatore brother had over me, as he gently dropped his finger and leaned away from me.

And as his skin danced along mine, I couldn't deny that I didn't want him to stop touching me, strangely enough. I was scared, but it was like my body was betraying my mind and I didn't know it then, but everything that would ever happen between the two of us was just based on betrayal.


I shut the door to my bedroom behind me, clicking the lock to make sure no one could walk in, before I turned around to face Nik. I wanted the truth, and I knew that I was taking a risk, but I needed to know. I needed to know everything that I thought I knew, the truth behind every lie.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to bring me here?" He questioned as I sighed, reliving the few memories that skipped through my thoughts as I looked out at my room.

"Well, I have a feeling you've been here before..." I trailed off, thinking of the dream I'd had. Was that real?

"I didn't mean to scare you-"

"You did." I cut him off, and I could tell by the look on his face he truly didn't mean to. I sighed, folding my arms over my chest. "Look, I've had one too many people in my life keep secrets from me. I don't want you to be another." My brows furrowed, as I looked up at him as he stood in the center of my room. "So tell me, Nik. Who are you, really?"

"I'm exactly who I told you I am." I scoffed, shaking my head in disbelief. "Lyssa, everything that I told you is true. I came back to Mystic Falls to reunite my family."

I nodded, biting my lip as I looked away from him. It was just too coincidental for me to believe, I mean everyone that came to Mystic Falls had some sort of, underlying reason for coming. And with all of the other vampires coming, who was I to believe that he wasn't just like the rest?

"I wanna trust you.." I admitted, shaking my head. "But with everything that's been going on lately, I can't.."

I moved past him to sit at my window seat, completely conflicted and confused. I didn't want to be stupid, and believe in everything he told me, because I knew first hand that people just weren't always who they say they are.

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