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Later that day, I was at The Mystic Grill with Bonnie, and Caroline. We were seated by the pool table, when I noticed a familiar face that I hadn't seen in a while walk through the door. It was Tyler Lockwood.

I was one of the only girls that Tyler actually got along with, the others just wanted to be with him or didn't understand his sense of humor. He was a bit of a douche, to say the least. He was the son of the mayor, rich and set up for his entire life thanks to his parents. Sometimes I wondered how how him and Matt got along, since Matt was nowhere near as big of a jerk as Tyler.

But then again, we all were friends. I guessed that's just the way it was, and the way it would be for the rest of our lives. We grew up together, and so no matter how much we changed, we still stuck to one another. And I liked that, because when you lost someone, you needed to be reminded that there was still a constant in your life, that even in the sad and dark times, there were people who'd make you happy, who wouldn't give up on you.

"Hey, Tyler." I smiled, and he stopped to greet me back. We hadn't seen each other since the funeral, actually I hadn't seen a lot of people for since everything happened.

"Hey." We exchanged a friendly hug, and he grinned back at me. "How are you?"

They all knew I was going to say 'Yes, I'm fine' as Elena had said about a million times today, but I lost my parents, I would never be 'fine'. At least, not this soon.

"I've been asked that question a ton of times today.." I breathed out.

He nodded understandingly. "Sorry," Tyler stammered. "It's just - what else am I supposed to say?"

I glanced over my shoulder at the pool table and then looked back at him, a small smirk forming on my lips. "Well," I spoke up. "for starters you could ask me to challenge you at a game of pool, which we all know you'll lose by the way."

He chuckled, nodding as I let out a giggle. "Alright, Lyssa would you play a game of pool with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask." I teased, standing up to take off my jacket. "Rack 'em up." I stated, giving him a playful nudge towards the table, before taking off my jacket. I watched as he walked off, turning to set my jacket down at my chair, already gaining a glare from Caroline.

"God," She breathed out, shaking her head as she watched Tyler. "how do you get along with him?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. I loved Caroline to death, but sometimes she made things a little too complicated, overthinking about everything. "He's not that bad, okay?"

"He's a complete dick." Bonnie chimed in, and the three of us exploded into laughter and snickers, reminding me of the times we shared before. It was nice to feel that way again, and maybe Bonnie was right. Maybe things were going to look up for all of us this year.

"He's not that bad." I said once more, before Tyler called me over. Flashing the girls a small smile, I headed over to the table, joining Tyler.

He handed me a cue stick, and I took it into my hands, letting out a soft breath. I knew it might've been ridiculous, but picking up that cue stick was like picking myself up. It was a new year, and it was going to be kickass. Just like Bonnie said.

"You're up first."

"Watch," I gave him a poke, before setting the stick down, aiming with my eyes narrowed. "and learn." With a quick hit, I watched as the cue balls knocked into each other, dispersing all along the table before one was pocketed. I smiled and cheered, ready to rub it in his face when I noticed Tyler's gaze was on something else, across the room.

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