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The next day, Elena and I had gone to the boarding house, only to find that Katherine had been freed from the tomb when Elijah died. When he died, the compulsion did with him, and all I could think was how ironic it all was. They'd killed Elijah because they couldn't trust him, didn't want him interfering and in doing so, they'd brought back the one person that had been trying to hand us all over to Klaus ; the one person we could never trust.

"When we killed Elijah," Damon explained as I stood there, staring at Katherine who had on my clothes, trying to impersonate me that morning. "it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb."

The last time she impersonated me, Damon killed Jeremy over it.

"How's that possible?"

"He's an Original." Katherine pointed out, as I folded my arms over my chest. "They have all sorts of special skills."

"I don't want you here." Elena responded, glancing from Katherine over to Stefan and Damon. "Get her out of here."

I didn't want Katherine out either - I could easily understand where she was coming from - but she'd helped kill Elijah.

"You need me, Elena." Katherine said, nearing her, before glancing between the rest of us, and I just I felt like I was in a nightmare. "You all do."

This couldn't be happening, I thought. Now I had to trust her? The girl that admitted all she ever cared about was herself? By killing Elijah, they'd basically replaced his help with Katherine - couldn't they see what a mistake they'd made?

"Like hell."

"We all want the same thing : Klaus dead." Katherine continued. "Yet here you all are, running around like chickens with their heads cut off."

She was right, for once I agreed with her. Klaus was coming and they thought they could deal with it on their own, but couldn't they see we needed help? Elijah was the only one that knew Klaus, that could be trusted - I knew he wasn't lying.

"I don't need your help" Elena snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. "and I don't want it."

"No," I spoke up, unable to bite my tongue any longer. "you know what, Elena? You killed Elijah, now you deal with her." Her brows knitted, noticeably hurt by what I'd said. "I have to get to school," I simply said, before turning and leaving.

I knew it wasn't her fault, and that I shouldn't have been so hard on her, but I just - I had to get it off my chest. Killing Elijah was the dumbest thing that could've been done, not just because it released Katherine, but because now we had nothing.

Klaus was the oldest vampire to ever exist, an original vampire, one that Katherine had spent nearly five hundred years running from because she could never figure out how to kill him, and they thought we could just end him like that?


I opened my locker to grab some books, Bonnie and Jeremy with me. I told them all about Katherine being out, and it didn't seem that they cared either that Elijah was dead. I mean, he wouldn't stay dead forever, and then what?

Even if we somehow magically killed Klaus, then we'd have to deal with Elijah, who'd inevitably come back if someone took the dagger out - and I could only imagine what he'd do.

I wanted to pull the dagger out and bring him back to life, but I was also scared of what he'd do, because now he not only that that I'd lied to him once, but twice. There was no way he'd believe anything that I said.

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