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I stood in the forest by the quarry, in a ring of fire beside my sister Elena that night. There were two rings so far, three people - or two people, and one vampire. Elijah had been right earlier that day, when he'd said that if Klaus didn't have a vampire already for the sacrifice, he was going to make one, and that was exactly what he'd done.

"How are you feeling?" Elena asked Jenna ; the vampire that he'd turned.

He'd found Jenna sometime that day - I didn't know when - and fed her his blood, turned her to use her for the sacrifice. It was exactly what I didn't want to happen, what I'd tried so hard to stop - I mean, why was he doing this? I'd followed all his rules, and he was just going to use Jenna?

I'd wondered when he'd gotten the chance to turn Jenna, I'd been at the house all day, but I didn't know it then - he'd been invited in, by me.

He'd given Jenna his blood after he'd fed it to me.

"I feel like myself," She tried to explain from her ring. "Only not. Everything is brighter. The fire's hotter. Part of me is terrified, but there's another part of me that doesn't want to feel anything."

"Vampires can turn off the part that's human." I said, thinking back to Damon. "That's the part that hurts."

Jenna's eyes were glistening with tears. "I'm gonna die, aren't I?"

"No!" Elena protested. "Jenna, I'm not gonna let that happen. I don't care what I have to do."

We had to talk to him, we had to change his mind, there had to be someone else, anybody else but Jenna. She didn't deserve it, she didn't deserve any of it, didn't deserve to have to take care of Elena and I, who'd been doing nothing but sneaking around and lying to her.

In the distance, we heard the sounds of twigs snapping, before I saw the witch that was going to do the sacrifice tonight, walk out with a woman that I'd seen before ; Jules, I recognized. She was the werewolf.

"That's the werewolf." Elena realized, as we watched the witch shove Jules to the ground. The witch was named Greta, I'd learned, and it turned out that she was Luka's sister. He and his dad had been looking for her, that was why they'd been working with Elijah.

"What's happening to me?"

"I cast a spell to slow down your transformation." Greta informed Jules, as the werewolf groaned in pain. "Your insides are trying to tear themselves free."

Greta stepped away, flicked her wrist, and a third ring of fire encircled Jules.

"Greta," Elena spoke up. "witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed - "

"My duty is to Klaus!" She shouted over Elena. "The new order."

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner." Klaus said as he arrived, his British accent prominent. His eyes averted over to the for of us, lips curving into a twisted smirk. "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?"


I had begun to pace around nervously, trying to figure out what I could say, what I could to change his mind about using Jenna in the sacrifice - I mean why was he using her?! I'd done everything he asked, I hadn't run, hadn't turned into a vampire. I was there, doing the one thing he needed me to, and yet he'd taken Jenna anyway.

And where was Elijah? Did he not know what had happened? He wasn't going to turn his back on me, was he? I mean, he promised...

"Everything I did.." Jules spoke up from within her circle. "I was just trying to help Tyler." She growled in pain. "I didn't want him to be alone!"

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