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The next day we had a big home game, and I'd spent most of my afternoon with Bonnie and Caroline at practice. Elena had decided that cheer was no longer something for her that morning, and as much as it sucked to have to go without her, I was proud of her for doing something she wanted for a change. If cheer was something the old her did, then she didn't have to do it anymore, but I was more than happy spending the day with my best friends, getting ready for the game.

There was a little time left before the game was going to start, when Elena had finally shown up, along with other people who were going to watch in the bleachers, and of course the players had come out like they always did, and as usual, there was a bonfire with the opposing teams jersey in it. I laughed as we walked out from the locker room, Caroline not having left my side since that morning. She was wearing yet another tiny scarf around her neck, and still I found it weird, but figured that maybe that was trendy now.

"I'm so happy you're not mad at me!" She'd been apologizing to me all day, and I really wanted to tell her about what almost happened with Damon, but maybe I'd misread the whole thing. I mean, I'd dreamt about him, so maybe I'd dreamt up the whole thing in the kitchen. Caroline was perfect, and nobody would ever wanna be with anyone over her, as annoying as she could sometimes be.

"I told you," I said as we stepped out, looking over at her. "it's okay. I get it," I stopped with her to talk. "I've been.. slacking off and I can't do that anymore. I have to move on, like you said."

She smiled wide, before embracing me tightly. "I'm so sorry, I promise I'll never act like that again." I giggled, hugging her back just as tight. "I love you so much, Lyssa Gilbert."

I pulled away to look at her. "Love you too, Care." Just as I said that, someone was calling her from the crowds of people, and I sighed, letting her walk away to go be the life of the party as she always was.

My eyes scanned around, stopping at what I saw across from where I was standing. Elena had been spun around, facing away from Stefan - who was in his jersey - while he placed a necklace on her, clasping it on for her. My eyes flickered down the darkened silver chain, to the locket. It was also a dark silver, with a tiny red jewel on the front, and Elena was smiling ear to ear, before turning back to face her boyfriend.

Deciding I'd been standing there for long enough, I walked over to greet them, hoping I hadn't interrupted them. "Hey," I smiled, joining beside the two.

"Hey," Elena grinned, looking at me in my uniform, before looking back over at Stefan, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "My sister, and boyfriend...both being such active students.. Let me get a picture of you two, school spirit and all."

I stepped beside Stefan, who gently placed his hand on my back, while my free hand went to drape itself around his shoulder, smiling into Elena's cell camera. She smiled as if she were a part of the photo, leaning back a little to take it.


There was only a half hour or so left until kick off time, night had fallen and were were all gathered together, cheering on our team. Tanner stood on the stage outside, leading the cheering, the football team standing to his right, while the cheerleaders stood across from them.

"Wait, wait, wait, Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait." Tanner announced, getting everyone to stop cheering so we could hear what he had to say. Outside of class he was a little less...overbearing, but still Tanner nonetheless. "Let's be honest here. In the past, we used to let other teams come into our town and roll right over us! But that is about to change. We've got some great new talent tonight starting on the offensive line, and I'm gonna tell you right now, it has been a long time since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these." He looked over at Stefan, and everyone cheered him on, smiling. When he glanced away from Elena at me, I gave him a small wave with the pom-pom I'd stolen from Caroline. Mine were in Elena's car from practice the other day. He smiled at me, before we both looked back over at Tanner who continued on. "That have been waiting for us to put a check in the win column, I have only one thing to say to you... Your Timberwolves are hungry. And the central high lions are what's for dinner!"

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