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I was pouring myself something to drink in the kitchen, when I heard the doorbell ring, startling me and the dead silence around me. Ever since we'd visited Katherine, ever since I heard her side of the story, I was on edge ; I was scared.

Everything that she'd told me about Klaus, he sounded so terrifying, so ruthless and cruel. I was afraid that he could just show up at any moment, and destroy everything. I wasn't just afraid for myself - as much as it scared me to die - but the scariest part was what he'd do to my friends, my family if I tried to run, if I tried to escape him.

I knew Stefan and Damon were going to do everything that they could to keep Elena and I safe, even if it meant sacrificing themselves, but I didn't want that.

I set everything down, before padding across the kitchen, through the hallway into the living room, all the way to the front door. Opening it, my eyes instantly rested on Stefan, who was standing out on the porch, alongside Damon.

When I saw Stefan, I couldn't help but remember when he'd come over to take Elena on their date, couldn't help remember how much I'd wished it had been me.

"Hey." He greeted, glancing behind me into the house. "Uh, can we talk?"

I furrowed my brows, wondering why he was being so cryptic. "Why?"

"We went to see Katherine." Damon responded, taking my gaze from Stefan.

I breathed out, stepping aside to let them both in. "Come on in."


Elena, Damon, Stefan and I all stood in the kitchen, after hearing what they'd had to say. When they went to visit Katherine, she'd promised them that she'd leave Mystic Falls and hand over the moonstone, in return for her freedom from the tomb. I didn't believe her, I mean she'd said herself that she'd do anything to save herself, and I couldn't believe that she'd just hand over her opportunity to be free of Klaus, forever.

"You don't believe her, do you?" Elena asked the brothers, standing beside me at the island.

"No, of course not." Damon responded. "We just want the moonstone."

"According to Rose's friend Slater," Stefan explained, meeting my gaze, and I couldn't help but soften at the sight of him. He was so warm, so comforting. "there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break."

If they destroyed the spell, then we wouldn't have to die, there wouldn't be a sacrifice, but there would be a very vengeful Klaus. And he'd kill everyone, if we tried to cross him. I couldn't let that happen, couldn't let everyone die for me.

"No spell," Damon said. "no doppelgänger sacrifices. Ergo, you two live."

"How do you destroy it?"

"By releasing it from the moonstone."

"How do you guys even know this is gonna work?" I questioned, doubtful that it would all work out just fine. I mean, it was like everything went wrong, or maybe I'd just become a pessimist.

"Cause we have a crafty witch on our side." Damon explained, my brows knitting in realization. They'd been planning it all with Bonnie, hadn't they? Behind my back?

"You discussed it with Bonnie." Elena too, realized.

"She agreed to do anything she could to help us."

"It's Katherine who has the moonstone." My sister pointed out, stating the obvious. "She's not gonna give it to you."

"We're gonna get it from her." Stefan contradicted.

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