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None of it mattered anymore.

A few days had passed since the pageant, and in those few days, I'd been so caught up in what had happened between Damon and I - so caught up in the kiss we shared - that I'd been finding any and every excuse I could to stay away from the boarding house, when that was the very exact place that I needed to be.

Stefan wasn't feeding. At first, they'd locked him up to get him away from the blood, but now he didn't want any at all, and all I could think about was how I should've been there for him. I was just so afraid to see Damon, so afraid to confront what had happened - I couldn't do it.

I was terrified, because accepting that I kissed him was accepting that I had feelings for him, and that was one of the scariest things I could ever do. I wasn't afraid of love. I wasn't afraid to admit to someone that I cared about them, but Damon was entirely different.

I was afraid of getting hurt, afraid that this was all some sort of game to him, afraid that I was just some sort of replacement for Katherine. I knew Elena had felt that way too at first, but Stefan wasn't Damon.

He'd admitted it to me and to everyone else that all he cared about was Katherine.

I folded a pair of Elena's jeans and shoved them into my bag, mentally double checking that I had everything she needed. She'd spent every single night at the boarding house since the pageant, and she'd asked me to come over and bring her clean clothes. As I shut her closet door, I was startled by a figure standing at her doorway ; John.

"Sorry." He was quick to apologize.

"Uncle John." I responded, sighing. "I didn't see you there."

"I thought we could talk." He said as he entered Elena's room. "We haven't had a chance to catch up."

"I'm actually just heading out, so..." I began to head out of her room when he spoke up once more, stopping me in my tracks.

"Well, it won't take long."

My brows knitted, as I turned around to face him. "What did you wanna talk about?" I questioned, hoping he was serious about it not taking too long.

"Well..." He looked at me, like he was accusing me of something. "I know you know."

"Know what?" I faked, wanting him to just leave me alone. I knew he was talking about vampires, but I just needed to get to he boarding house already, and I didn't want to talk to him anyway.

"It's really silly to keep pretending, Lyssa." John pointed out. "What do you think your mother would say if she knew you were dating a vampire?"

"I'm not dating Damon," I pointed out. "and which mother? Because I'm pretty sure Isobel wouldn't care.."


Elena had gone to another room to change into the clothes that I'd brought her, leaving me alone in the parlor. I felt like I hadn't been in the house in such a long time when it'd only been a few days since, and when I finally got there, I realized how much I liked being there, being around all of the history.

I was looking at one of the paintings hanging from the wall, wondering where it had come from when I heard the sound of someone's footsteps from behind me.

"Are you and your sister gonna be okay here if I have to run out?" I turned to find Damon, putting on his jacket, headed somewhere. It was the first time that I'd seen him since we'd kissed, and I was almost relieved that he had to somewhere to be for it. "I have to go to an errand with the teacher."

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