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The scene that I had stumbled upon left me terrified and shaking. John had been stabbed with the kitchen knife through his stomach, and a few of his fingers had been cut clean off and were left to find on the cutting board. When I found him he could barely speak, unable to tell me what had happened, who'd been there, but I had a feeling that I knew.

It must have been one of the tomb vampires, that had survived the night and was now out for revenge against the founding families, just as Damon had told us earlier that night. I mean, John was behind almost killing all of them, it only made sense that one of them must've came back to kill him.

But, I knew what vampire it couldn't have been ; Anna. That night, the police had found her at The Grill with Jeremy, and she'd been captured and killed.

"What happened?"

I'd called Elena and Stefan, along with an ambulance to take John to the hospital, and amidst all of this I had ran upstairs to find Jeremy, worried that something may have happened to him, too. When I'd found him, he'd been sound asleep in bed, until he woke up, telling me something that I never wanted to hear.

"He said that Anna gave him her blood and then he took these pills and now..." I explained to Stefan, handing him the bottle of pills I'd found on his bathroom sink. "I mean he looks fine but then again so do you. So, I just...I don't know."

Jeremy, so upset by Anna's death had tried to kill himself with her blood in his system, in order to become a vampire. What he planned on doing after, he never said, but I could only imagine how angry he was. I mean, this was the second girl that he'd cared for that had died, and as much as I hadn't liked Anna for what she'd done to Elena and I, I wanted Jeremy to be happy.

And that girl, seemed to make him very happy. But, John took that away from him.

"Look at me." Stefan grabbed Jeremy's face, looking into his eyes observantly to see if there was anything different.

"I'm fine, okay?" Jeremy tried to tell us. "I feel exactly the same."

"Should I call a paramedic up here?" Elena asked. "What should I do?"

"No," Stefan shook his head. "he's fine."

I wouldn't have known what to do if it had worked, if my brother had become a vampire. I mean, how do you prepare for something like that? How do you deal with something like that?

"You mean I'm not a vampire? Damn it!" Jeremy hissed.

"Don't say that Jeremy! Jer, why would you want that?"

"Did you hear about Anna, what happened to her tonight? She's dead."

And he wanted to come back as a vampire to get revenge? It wouldn't do anything, but get himself killed and I was sure that Anna didn't want that for him. I mean, the last person that she could have ever cared for was a Gilbert, and yet she had.

"Jeremy, Jeremy. Come here, sit down." Stefan pushed Jeremy back down on the bed, grabbing his face to look at him. "I am very sorry about Anna but it's very important that you listen to me right now. With every passing moment, Anna's blood is leaving your system. If you try to kill yourself right now, you could really die."

Jeremy rolled his eyes, looking away from Stefan. "Hey!" Stefan gave him a gentle slap to his face, getting his attention back. "Do you understand me?!"

He needed that, needed to hear what could really happen to him if he tried anything stupid again. We didn't need to bury another person in this family.


"Yeah, I understand."

"Good." Stefan let go of him, joining Elena and I.

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