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The front door to the boarding house opened up in front of me, Damon standing on the other side of it. He'd called me earlier, said that I needed to be there because we were all working together now. He really seemed to believe Stefan, and I did feel bad lying to him, but I trusted Stefan more. My eyes met his at the door, and he gave me a faint smile.

"Thanks for coming." He simply said, before moving aside so that I could walk in.

"Yeah." I breathed out, giving him a nod before stepping inside, the door shutting behind me. I looked out into the parlor, confused when I didn't find my sister or Stefan. "Uh.." I furrowed my brows, turning back to look at Damon. "Where are Stefan and.."

He put his finger to his lips, telling me to quiet down. "Shh.." He whispered, clearly up to something that I had no idea about. He nudged his head towards the hall, and before I knew it I was following him up the staircase to Stefan's room.

"Rise and shine, sleepyheads." Damon announced in front of me, before I moved around him to see that he'd just walked me right in on Stefan and Elena in bed.

"Damon! Lyssa!" Elena gasped, surprised as she quickly went to cover herself with the sheet, both of them sitting up.

"What are you two doing?" Stefan questioned, my eyes narrowing in on him.

He was in bed shirtless, letting me see that yes, he was just as perfect beneath his clothes, but what surprised me was that he had a tattoo. It was of a rose, on the side of his arm, and I so badly wanted to run my fingertips along it, to see if the rest of him was as soft as his hands.

"I..." I mumbled, speechless and just embarrassed as the two of them. "I didn't..."

"Oh, stop being smutty." Damon responded to Stefan, as I felt that familiar rise of warmth in my cheeks. "If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it." My brows knitted, averting my gaze to Damon who was standing beside me, wondering if I'd heard him right. "Now listen, I invited Lyssa because we four have some very important business to discuss."

"And it has to be right now?" Elena retorted, sitting up on her elbows.

"Well, we have lots to do, now that we're all friends and working toward a common goal." Damon said, before the three of us exchanged looks, knowing that we weren't on the same page. Stefan, Elena and I had a common goal, not all four of us. "So, in order to open the tomb, we need to find the journal to get the grimoire to undo the spells. First things first-since you," Damon looked at me, before moving his gaze to Elena. "and you, are Gilberts, you're both on journal duty."

"Since when are we helping?" Elena questioned, and it was becoming more and more obvious that Damon hadn't told them about everything, instead he'd just told me to get me over there, so we could walk in on the two of them. If his idea was to embarrass Stefan and Elena, he'd gotten me with it, too.

"Well, Lyssa's helping because she's my only friend." He pointed out, my brows furrowing. I didn't know we were officially friends, and I didn't know if he was even being serious. "Stefan's helping, and you've taken up residence In Stefan's bed, ergo..."

"You two don't have to do anything you don't want to do." Stefan spoke up, before Elena looked over at me.

"We'll look for it tonight." She said, anything to get Damon to leave before she laid back down in bed, pulling the sheets up over her face.


"How do we know that this journal will hold the location of the grimoire?" Stefan questioned his brother, talking about this grimoire like just anyone knew what it was. "We're really going to take the word of this vampire? He seemed like a bit of a dimwit."

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