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Later that night, when Elena had come home, she told me something I could've never expected, and that was with already having so much thrown at me. The night that she and my parents got into that car accident - the night that they died - Stefan had come back to Mystic Falls. He heard the crash, and he was the reason that my sister wasn't lying in a coffin somewhere. He saved my sister, like he was some sort of a guardian angel, and it was just another thing that proved I couldn't ever be mad at him. And it was probably the reason for my dreams.

They were different that night when I got home. They weren't so much as images, but it was more like this overwhelming feeling that Stefan was there ; always there. I could sense him, and feel him, but when I would wake up, he wasn't there. Maybe, it was my way of getting over the news that I was adopted, maybe my brain was finding a way to distract me.

Whatever it was, I didn't know how to feel about it.

The next night, Jeremy and I had ordered pizza for dinner, and I was hopeful that maybe that night I wouldn't dream of him, but I would end up wrong.

"Lyssa, I need the money!" Jeremy shouted from downstairs, and I got up from my bed, hurrying downstairs with my wallet.

As I descended the stairs, I noticed the pizza guy standing in our house at the front door, box of cheesy-deliciousness on the table beside him. "Hi," I greeted him, pulling out the cash, deciding to give him a tip. "Um, keep the change."

He smiled as he took the money from me, and I thought that maybe I was going crazy, but something about him seemed weird. "Thanks." He said, walking backwards a bit, his smile turning into a smirk. "And you have yourself a good night."


"It's so pretty." Caroline said as we walked outside the next day to find a table for lunch. Elena had the idea - from Stefan - to put vervain in or on everyone and it started with Caroline. "Thank you. God, it'll go with, like, everything. What's the occasion?"

"No occasion." Elena said, as I glanced around the schoolyard, wondering if maybe I'd see Stefan. I didn't know what I would say to him if I saw him. Hey thanks for saving my sister before we even knew each other, oh and I'm having these dreams about you - could you make them stop? "Just a little friend gift."

"Lesbian friend necklace?" Caroline teased as the three of us sat down at a free table. "Cause we're freaky like that?" She winked, and we all laughed.

"Your friendship is important to me." Elena assured her, suddenly setting the tone to a less silly one, and I sighed knowing exactly where it was going.

Bonnie told me the other day - once I got home - that Caroline and Matt were sort of, seeing each other. He liked her, she liked him, but she felt weird because Elena had dated him, and so she'd been completely avoiding us, as if I too had dated Matt.

"Why are you being so mushy?" Caroline asked, skeptical.

"Because you've been avoiding us.." I spoke up, both of them looking over at me.

"Look," Elena spoke up, looking back over at Caroline. "I wanted you to know that whatever is going on with you and Matt, it's okay."

"I was gonna talk to you about that." Caroline quickly said. "I was, but there's just not much to say. You know, we've hung out a couple times. That's it, but...I just feel like we've peaked as friends." She sighed. "This is weird. I shouldn't be talking to you about this. It's weird. It's weird, right?"

My thoughts went astray, no longer focused on Matt and Caroline as my eyes roamed around the yard, having a bite of my salad. I noticed a poster pinned up on one of the boards, that read 50's decade dance.

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