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To say that I was surprised to see Damon and Caroline at my door for dessert was an understatement. I almost wanted to go back and yell at Bonnie for telling her, but she had no idea that Caroline would bring Damon, and well, nobody knew I actually felt jealous. She pushed past my arm, hurrying inside with her cake, and I sighed, looking back over at Damon who simply stood at the frame, clad in a dark shiny black leather jacket that went along all too perfectly with his hair.

"Hope you don't mind." He smirked, looking at me as if he knew I would mind. I had this weird feeling he could all of a sudden read my mind, or maybe I was just annoyed at how smug he always seemed to be.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan had joined me, standing beside me at the front door.

"Waiting for Lyssa to invite me in." Damon responded, and again there was that same uneasy tension between the two.

As awkward as I could tell that night was going to be, I sighed ready to invite him in. "Oh, yeah, you can.."

"No, no, no." Stefan interrupted me before I could finish speaking. "He can't, uh... he can't stay. Can you, Damon?" There it was. Stefan clearly didn't want Damon anywhere around him, just like he'd noticeably been annoyed that Damon had met me the other day.

"Get in here." Caroline called from behind us, standing with the girls.

"We're just.." Stefan continued. "finishing up. Right, Lyssa?" He looked over at me, and I decided to go along with it because then I could trust Stefan more than I could trust Damon. Besides, we were just finishing up even though I'd just gotten downstairs, and I didn't really want to relive all that had gone on while I'd been at their house.

"Yeah.." I agreed. "We actually were just finishing up. Maybe we could do this.. another time." I lied, glancing away from Stefan over at Damon.

"It's fine." Elena spoke up from behind us. "Just come on in."

Damon's smug look grew wider, smirking at his brother and I before taking a step into the house, giving me a small nudge as he walked in. I caught my breath in my throat, turning to watch him as he scanned around the place. "You two have a beautiful home." He said, though it didn't sound that genuine. Instead, he sounded like he'd just won a prize and was ready to rub it in his brother's face.

I didn't say anything, moving to shut the door before Elena spoke up again. "Thank you."


The six of us were sat in the living room for dessert as delivered by Caroline and Damon, who were sat snug on a single seat in the corner of the room while Bonnie took a seat to herself, Stefan, Elena and I sharing the couch. He'd - like the other day - seemed to be on edge, like being around Damon turned him into a different person. He was always warm, and kind to everyone, except when Damon was there. Then he barely said a word, just glared mostly.

"I cannot believe Tanner let you on the team, Tyler must be seething." Caroline laughed, holding a cup of coffee in her hands. "But good for you! Go for it!"

"That's what I always tell him," Damon spoke up. "you have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you, you have to go get it!"

"Yeah, Lyssa wasn't so lucky today." Caroline said, telling everyone about what happened earlier. "It's only because you missed summer camp." But, it wasn't. I wasn't really paying attention to anything when Damon had shown up with her, and then I saw Stefan and I didn't wanna practice, give me a break. "God," She breathed out. "I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines."

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