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Wincing, I pulled my finger back from the flatiron that just burned me, yanking the chord out from the socket in the bathroom. I looked up at myself in the mirror, doing a once over. I stood in a fitted black dress, hair straightened to Elena's taste, and parted right down the center.

I flicked off the light to my bathroom as I stepped out into my room, where I found Elena and Jenna sitting on my bed, waiting to see me.

"Ugh," Jenna groaned the second that she saw me. "I wish I was going."

"Is that you're way of saying I look nice?" I retorted, to which they both laughed, making me smile.

She'd just gotten home, and where I'd been planning on staying home with her, Elena and Jeremy that day, Tyler invited me to go to the masquerade and I felt bad. After what happened to Mason, all I wanted to do was be there for him, because he really didn't have anyone else.

That, and Jenna wanted me to go. At least one of us should be out having fun, she'd said.

"I walked into a knife." She repeated for the millionth time that day, so embarrassed and surprised at herself. "How does somebody do that?"

"It was a freak accident." Elena quickly responded beside her, as I shrugged.

"It happens."


I smiled as I danced with Tyler, arms dangling over his shoulders as his hands rested on my waist. Gently, we swayed to the soft beat of the music and as we did so, I realized how much I missed him, missed just being around my friends, doing something as simple as dancing, having fun. But, with every smile, every laugh that we shared, a reminder of what happened to Mason would find a way to creep into the back of my thoughts.

I wondered if he'd still be my friend if he knew the truth, and then I thought of our roles being reversed. I didn't know if I would be able to forgive him.

Nonetheless, I pushed the thoughts from my mind, enjoying the night. "I'm glad we could get back to this," I admitted, looking up at Tyler. "I missed you."

"Me too." He responded, shrugging. "Guess I just needed some time to get over you breaking my heart."

My eyes widened in surprise for a moment, before realizing he was just joking. "Don't say it like that!"

Tyler chuckled, before his gaze seemed to go somewhere behind me, taking my hand off his shoulder to spin me out.

But, when he spun me, he let go of my hand and I was suddenly in someone else's hold, with a different hand pressed to my waist. I looked up, the feeling of his hands sending shivers down my spine, far before I could see who he was ; Stefan.

He was all dressed up in a suit, along with a black mask that I'd sorted just a few days ago tied around his face. And yet, even without being able to see all the features of his face, he was still absolutely perfect.

"Stefan," I breathed out, as he took my right hand, continuing to dance with me. "I didn't know you'd be here.."

"I had a last minute change of plans." He responded, my curiosity growing. Stefan only ever went to these events because Elena asked him to, do what was he doing there, all alone? "I thought you were at home with Jenna and Elena."

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