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I crashed my car.

There was glass everywhere. It was cold, I could feel the wind blowing against me, and the stars - I could see the stars above me, letting me know that I wasn't in the car anymore.

Someone had saved me.

Dizzy and dangling, I looked up to see who'd saved me, who's arms were holding me so securely in the darkness, and I saw him, clear as day ; Stefan.

I managed to smile, moving into his touch, and I could see the forest in his eyes, see the life, feel it radiating from him. He was beautiful, always so beautiful. His face shined in the moonlight, and I put my hand to his chest, could hear his heartbeat and wondered how vampires could have beating hearts.

All of my thoughts, all of my fears, everything just fell away and it was like I hadn't just almost died. The only thing that I felt was safe, and warm, and there was this sense of euphoria that ran through me as I looked at him.

But, it wasn't that I was happy because he'd saved me, just happy that he was there, holding me.

My thoughts faded all too fast, slowly waking up to realize that there was something moving beneath me ; I was moving. My eyes gently fluttered open, growing accustomed to the light shining on my face, as I sat up in a car seat. Glancing over to my left, I saw Damon and realized that we were in his car, that he was driving.

"Morning.." He spoke up, noticing that I'd woken up.

My brows knitted as I was reminded of what happened before I'd fallen asleep, or unconscious. I got in an accident, and Damon was there, but where were we now? I pushed away what I'd just dreamt about - because I couldn't even rationalize why I'd just dreamt of Stefan - and tried to piece together last night's events, as similar as the two were.

"W-where are we?" I spoke up, glancing out of the window for a split second.

"Georgia." He chimed, only making me more confused. I got in a car accident. There was a man in the road. And then I blacked out, and had a dream about my sister's boyfriend - I could barely wrap my mind around all of it.

"Georgia?" I repeated, shaking my head in disbelief. He had to be messing with me. "No, no. No, we're not. Seriously, Damon." I looked over at him. "Where are we?"

"Seriously, we're in Georgia." He glanced over at me. "How ya feeling?"

I glanced down at myself, hands out in front of me, looking for a bump or a scrape. It felt like everything was fine. "I - I.."

"There's no broken bones," He spoke up over me, giving me a small wink. "checked."

"But, my car." It was completely wrecked I remembered, ignoring his comment. "There was a man. I hit a man, but then he got up and - who was that?"

"That's what I'd like to know." Damon responded, turning back to look at the long road ahead of us. There was nothing, but trees, farms - we were in the middle of nowhere in Georgia and not a single soul knew I was there.

Quickly, I shoved a hand into my pocket, searching around for my cell phone, but it was nowhere to be found. "Where's my phone?" Jenna was probably worried, Elena, Jeremy - nobody knew where I was. "Okay, we really need to go back. Nobody knows where I am. Pull over. I mean it Damon, pull over. Stop the car!"

He glanced at me, sighing. "Oh, you were so much more fun when you were asleep."

Damon pulled over to the side of the road, not too far from a farm with a wired fence around it. I sighed, and pushed open the door before stepping out. Just like last night, my legs felt like jelly and I almost stumbled over, but before I could, Damon was at my side, a hand on my arm.

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