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Missing a day or two in Mystic Falls was like missing a year in any other town and Nik had easily understand my reasoning for coming home so soon, understood how much my family meant to me.

When I came back, I found out that Mason and Sheriff Forbes had worked together to try to kill Stefan and Damon. In the midst of helping them, Caroline had exposed herself and now, Liz was being held in the cellar until the vervain passed out of her system.

She wanted to forget.

I tried to rationalize her thoughts, and feelings, but I just - I couldn't. Maybe, I had no say because I was never a mother, but I knew that I'd love and accept my daughter as whoever, or whatever she was. The worst part was that Caroline hadn't wanted to turn in the first place, it was never her choice in becoming a vampire.

Aside from that, I learned that Stefan and Elena were pretending to have broken up, although they weren't really believable since I saw Stefan leaving her room this morning.

Katherine wanted them broken up, which I didn't understand why. I mean, she'd been alive for all these years, why did she care about who Stefan was with, now?

With Elena pretending she and Stefan were broken up, I had to pretend that I was hurt too by the way he was treating my sister, which was why I was at Tyler's, helping to sort out masks for the masquerade they were having tomorrow.

I stood by the French doors, gazing though the crystal clear windows out at everyone who was helping decorate outside. My eyes had inevitably rested on Stefan, who'd gotten even more beautiful since the last time I saw him, something I didn't know was possible.

His skin had gotten a little color, in turn making his light brown hair, somehow lighter, brighter. Those naturally beautiful, striking green eyes were a new shade of emerald, long dark lashes somehow darker.

My gaze suddenly averted away from Stefan when I heard footsteps from behind, finding Damon. "Damon," I spoke up, when he stopped. "what are you doing here?"

I hadn't talked to him since I got back home, mostly because I didn't know what to say. I knew that I loved him, but it was just - it was impossible for me to move past what he'd done to Jeremy. I couldn't be with him, not after that, not after I already forgave him for so much.

"Looking for my baby bro." He responded. "Speaking of, would you tell yours to stop following me around?"

My brows knitted, wondering what he was talking about. "What's going on?"

"Ask eager beaver." Damon commented, before swiftly walking away as Jeremy walked over.

"Jeremy," I stopped him. "what is he making you do?"

I knew what Damon was capable of doing - everybody did - and after what had happened between them the last time, I didn't want Jeremy anywhere around him.

"He's not making me do anything," Jeremy pointed out. "Damon and I..."

"Uh, no." I interjected, crossing my arms over my chest. "No way. No, no, no, no. There is no Damon and you. There's Damon and whoever Damon is using, and those people, they end up dead."

Maybe what I'd said was mean, but it was true. I loved Damon, but I wasn't completely blind anymore.

"Whatever is going on Jeremy, I want you to stay out of it."

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