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Bonnie had come over later the next day, since Elena wasn't responding to any of her calls or texts. She'd been worried naturally, but I explained that my sister was just stuck in her room all day. It was because of Stefan, but I didn't tell her that, didn't feel right telling her.

"You up?" I spoke up on the other side of Elena's door, and when she didn't respond, I sighed and opened it up, walking in with Bonnie.

As expected, she was in bed. "No, no!" She groaned, hiding herself under the covers. Bonnie walked over and pulled them down while I shut her door. Elena was going through her break up with Stefan, but it was almost like I too had just split up with him, and it was weird. I liked him, and I liked them, and I wanted her to be happy for once.

"Why haven't you call me back?" Bonnie asked, as Elena peeked up from the sheets.

"I'm sorry."

Bonnie reached the side of the bed, and sighed. "Are you gonna stay in there forever?"

"Yeah. "

"Move over. I'm offically worried." Bonnie told her and as she got into one side of the bed, I got into the other. "What's going on?"

"I'm tired of thinking..." Elena breathed out. "of talking I..."

"Can I get one-line version so I can at least pretend to be helpful?" Bonnie interrupted.

My sister sighed, with a heavy heart. "Stefan and I broke up."

"I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" Bonnie sighed, and nodded answering her own question. "Right stupid question. I know I've been kind of MIA when you need me the most. I suck."

I smirked. "You wanna make it up to her." I spoke up, and Bonnie laughed. "Get her mind off it, so I can get my sister back."

Bonnie furrowed her brows, like she was thinking of something before she slipped out of bed shutting one of the open windows. "Just remember you asked for it." We watched as she ripped open a pillow, moving to sit in the middle of the bed in front of us. "Hey!" Elena hissed, while I sat in confusion. What was she going to do with a pillow?

"Be patient." Bonnie assured as she dumped out the feathers.


Before Bonnie did anything else, she looked up at the two of us. "I need to swear you two to secrecy."

I sighed, glancing over at Elena who looked at me too. "It's king of a bad week for that kind of stuff." I decided, but Bonnie wasn't having it.

"Swear cause I'm not suppose to be showing you this."

"Ok I swear." Elena agreed, and I nodded swearing too.

"There's no windows open, right?"


"There's no fan. No air conditioning."

"None." I agreed, wondering what she had planned. "What are you doing?"

"Grams just showed me this." She smiled. "You guys are gonna love it. You ready?" We both watched as Bonnie hovered her hands over the pile of feathers between us, when suddenly a few of them lifted - rose right off the bed - into the air in front of us.

I gasped, and Bonnie looked at the two of us, gently pushing her hands back down and the feathers went down too. "Bonnie what's going on?"

Suddenly, without Bonnie moving, all of the feathers rose and began to just float in the air around us. I laughed, eyes flickering around in amazement, and shock. How was this happening? The white feathers floating in Elena's room, the sun shining from outside, it was so pretty, so unexplainably beautiful.

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