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From the second we'd stepped out of the house, Caroline hadn't mentioned a thing about what happened, like it never happened. I tried to remind her, but she thought that I was crazy and ditched me to go hang out with some people at the grill. I had a million thoughts running through my mind as I changed out of my bikini, whilst calling Elena. She didn't answer once, and I couldn't find her anyway - I was terrified.

It was already nightfall when I hurried down the staircase to go look for her, grabbing my car keys on the way out.

I couldn't began to explain the questions going through my mind - what was going on? What was wrong with Damon? He killed someone - maybe, and he was locked in that cell and Caroline was acting like she had no idea about what had happened just like he told her.

As I stepped out onto the porch, locking the door, I saw him standing directly across from me, smug as ever. I panicked, and spun around to unlock the door, keys jingling between my fingers.

It felt like I was in one of those scary movies, except there was no movie - this was all real life, real scary life. I didn't know what to believe, but I knew Damon was trouble and I needed to get away from him.

As I unlocked the door, I glanced over my shoulder a sigh escaping me when I saw he wasn't there anymore.

I opened the door again, taking a single, shaky step inside. It was like I could feel him near, like he was watching me from someplace that I couldn't see, and I for a second wondered if maybe I was seeing things. No - I knew what I saw and that was Damon.

I stepped further into the house, heart racing - everything looked the same when I suddenly heard the front door creak from behind me, before there was a slam.

I spun back around, seeing that Damon was now standing in the way of the door that he'd shut and I stumbled back. "Get out." I managed to say. "Get out, or I swear I'll -"

"You'll what?" He cut me off, taking a step towards me as I fell back onto the staircase. "Call the police? You really think that would help you?" 

"H-how did you.."

"Get in?" He continued, my hands moving to grasp the rail. "You really shouldn't leave your window open, Lyssa. Never know who or what could climb in."

"Get out." I repeated again, not sure of what else to say. How did he get in so fast? I'd blinked and he was already inside of my house.

"You already invited me in." Damon reminded, blue eyes cold and threatening as he closed the space between us. "I can come in whenever I want."

I swallowed hard, looking away from him before deciding that I wasn't going to let him scare me.

"Get out." I gritted once more - this time calmer - looking up at him defiantly as he neared his face to mine. But he didn't move, didn't blink and I went to slap him. Before I could, he caught my wrist in his hand and I gasped as he pulled me up to him.

Damon's grip was tight and crippling, and I winced in it as I looked back up at him, at his mercy. "Damon," I pleaded. "that hurts."

He looked into my eyes for a split second, like he was looking for something in them, before he gave in and go. "What the hell - I don't.." I let out a deep breath, before I narrowed my thoughts to one question. "What are you?"

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