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I left the slumber party before everyone, early that morning to go see Damon at the boarding house. I didn't call him, didn't text to let him know I was coming, because I was afraid that if I did, I wouldn't have the strength to show up. Last night, the girls and I stayed up talking late, about everything that was going on in our lives, and I just couldn't help but think of Damon.

I really did love him, and I really did want things to work out for us, because I knew that deep down he wanted it, too. I figured that maybe talking things out would help, that maybe telling him that I loved him was too much after losing his friend.

I got out of my car, and walked up to the door, which opened up just as I was about to knock, and what I saw made me feel so betrayed, so stupid. About to step out of the house, was a familiar face that I'd seen both at home, occasionally, and on the local news ; Andie Star. She was one of Jenna's friends, they went to college together, and every now and then they'd hang out.

And right then, Damon was leading her out, with his hand on her back. "I'll see you later," She smiled, giving him a kiss before spotting me.

"Oh," She looked surprised. "hi, Lyssa."

"Hey.." I gave her a friendly smile, as she walked by me to leave, my eyes darting up to Damon's, and all I wanted to do was cry. I couldn't understand why he was acting like that, why he was treating me like that.

All that could come to mind was that I had been wrong that entire time, and that he didn't love me, that he never loved me. But, I refused to believe that. I refused to believe that after everything, he hadn't fallen for me just as hard as I had for him.

But, maybe it was true. Maybe he didn't love me.

I felt like I was going to throw up just standing there, so I turned around and headed right back to my car, ignoring him as he called out for me.

How could he do this to me?


I got to The Historical Society's tea party - another gathering Jenna had been roped into helping out at - where I met Jenna, who was surprised that I came, but happy nonetheless to see me. We talked a bit, Jenna mentioning how jealous she was that Stefan and Elena were at the lake house, without her. Her gaze abruptly shifted from me, over to something behind me, and so I glanced over my shoulder, to see what she was looking at.

It turned out that Damon had come, too and the moment he saw us, he walked over. "Damon," Jenna greeted him. "I didn't know you'd be here.."

"Well, I had a last minute change of plans.." He vaguely said, glancing over at me, as if he were expecting me to say something back.

I simply looked away, as if he weren't there, deciding that was my best option. Jenna looked at me with confusion, before looking back over at Damon, wondering why we'd fallen so silent.

She was just as confused as I was.

Thankfully, Andie walked in, noticing the three of us - mostly Damon - and walked over, joining us with a pen and pad in hand. She smiled brightly, eyes meeting Damon's. "Hi." She grinned wide. "You came."

"Hi." Damon replied, giving her back the same gentle smile.

"Hi." She repeated, before he leaned in to kiss her, Jenna's eyes widening as she looked at me, now realizing why Damon and I hadn't said a word to each other. I felt like an idiot standing there, I told her that I loved Damon and now he was just parading Andie around right in front of me.

I looked away, noticing Elijah - to my surprise - across the room taking to Carol. "Elijah," I spoke up, moving past Damon, Andie and Jenna to join him.

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