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I was back at the cemetery, sitting alone on the same bench. There were still tears in my eyes, lashes freshly wet.

"You alright?" I glanced over my shoulder to see Stefan standing a few feet away from me, with his hands in his front pockets.

I sighed, shaking my head before turning back around, before he moved to join me on the bench. "I heard about what happened.."

"You heard about how I went totally ballistic in front of everyone during Jenna's barbecue?" I muttered, glancing over at him as he chuckled.

"Well, I wasn't gonna put it like that.." And when our eyes met, I realized how much I'd needed him that day, how much I needed him everyday.

Being with Stefan was like being at home, it was better than being at home, because even at home there were some times where I didn't truly feel safe. But, with Stefan, I was never afraid. With Stefan I felt like I was in this dreamy state where everything was euphoric, completely perfect.

"I really needed you today, Stefan.." I admitted, thinking of how different things would've been that day if he'd been there, how different things could've been if it were me and not Elena.

"I really needed you, too." He responded, eliciting a lazy grin from me before I moved into his arms, embracing him.

For a while we just sat there, my cheek resting against his arm as we looked out ahead of us, and everything was just so silent, and so at peace, so comforting.

The peace didn't last long, as I slipped into reality, waking up to find that I'd been dreaming. I'd dreamt of Stefan, again.

I sat up, opening my eyes, taking in my surroundings. I'd fallen asleep beside Nik, in the passengers seat of his car, not exactly sure where it was that we were headed.

"Where are we..." I trailed off, unable to spot any signs.

"Almost there, love."

"Which is where?" I asked, gently smiling at him, hoping that wherever we were going would take my mind completely off of Mystic Falls.

When I so desperately wanted to get away, it was like he wouldn't let me ; Stefan was always there, even in my dreams. When I was supposed to be most at peace - asleep - he was just, there. I couldn't shake him even if I tried, even when I tried.

"You've said you want to know more about me," Nik explained as I looked away from him to read an upcoming sign, surprised with what I found ; Welcome to Louisiana.


Nik vaguely explained during the car ride that New Orleans had once been a home to him and to his family, that he wanted to show me where he'd spent a part of his long life. I'd never been to New Orleans, never been that far from Mystic Falls, nor anywhere near as exciting or interesting.

It was early morning when we pulled into the cul de sac driveway of a big, beautiful white mansion. It looked ancient, but not old. It was as if I'd stepped into a time machine, tracing back to the 1800's.

"Wow.." I let out, as we pulled up to the home, amazed. Before then, the most beautiful home that I'd seen was the Salvatore house. Just as Nik shut off his car, my phone began to ring from my back pocket, and I sighed.

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