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Elijah had left that night, only a few minutes after Alaric and Jenna had gotten home, after helping me finish cooking. I'd insisted that he stay, but I could tell that it was because of Alaric, who had been so uncomfortable around him. And so he left, but in my thoughts he stayed.

Jenna woke me up extra early the next morning - or maybe I was just so tired that it felt like it was early - ruffling my covers. "Get up!" I groaned, burying my face into my pillow, pulling the covers up higher.

To my surprise, I felt her get off the bed, when suddenly I heard her push back the curtains over my window, letting in the sunlight. "What are you doing?" I finally asked, rubbing my eyes as I sat up.

"I have to go to the old Fell property," She explained. "and you're coming with me."

My brows furrowed, lips pursing in confusion. "What?" I mumbled, still dazed from sleep. "Why are you going to the Fell's old property, and why do I have to go?"

"Because.." She smirked, sitting back on my bed. "I'm showing a certain someone around.." My eyes narrowed in on her, wondering what she was hinting at. "Elijah."

"Oh," I quickly said, suddenly more inclined to go. "uhh yeah..I'll go with you."

"Are you sure it's just Elijah's research that you're interested in?" She asked, suspiciously, and my eyes widened, becoming an awkward mess at the thought she'd just put into my head.

"He's..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say.

"Incredibly hot, and mysterious." She finished for me, and I couldn't help, but laugh, shaking my head.

He was handsome, to say the least. And yes, he was mysterious, and quiet, and very composed - and he just radiated charm. And now, I would forever be embarrassed, thanks to Jenna.

"I mean, I wasn't gonna say it like that.."


Jenna, Elijah and I were walking through a patch of woods, with Jenna leading and narrating most of the way, pointing out things here and there about the town, about it's history. I would've found myself completely bored and disinterested if it were anyone else with me, but with Elijah there, the way he talked, the things that he said, it just made me so much more interested in our town's history.

"The old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence." Jenna explained, motioning over to a spot a few feet away from us as we continued to walk, through a lining of trees.

"Ah, the Fells." Elijah spoke up, from beside me. "One of The Founding Families." He remarked, in a sarcastic tone, sparking my curiosity.

"Why do you say it like that?" I asked, putting my hands in my jacket pockets, glancing up at him.

"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier." He explained, surprising me. That meant that Stefan and Damon's families, hadn't founded anything. "It was a migration of townsfolk from the northeast, um, it was Salem, to be precise."

The witches, I realized ; Bonnie's ancestors.

"Massachusetts?" Jenna questioned. "As in the witch trials?"

"Which means the ever lauded founding families...They didn't actually found anything."

"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860." Jenna pointed out. "Men are very territorial."

Territorial, I thought and it instantly reminded me of Damon. Sometimes when I was with him, I just felt like I was territory, like I was just a thing, especially after I told him that I loved him. He didn't want anything to do with me, but he wouldn't let me go, either.

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