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The very next morning, bad weather came with just as bad news. Elena and I learned that the tomb vampires were out, had come to the boarding house after everyone was gone, and attacked Stefan and Damon. They were okay - I didn't know what I would've done if something happened to Stefan - and all I could do was be glad, and thankful that nothing awful happened.

But, I also learned that Damon knew about the tomb vampires before they even attacked last night, that he made some sort of deal with Pearl - Anna's mother - about finding Katherine. I couldn't believe him, after everything, he still only cared about her, when she clearly didn't feel the same way for him. He didn't need Katherine, he had his brother, and he had me, and Elena, and everyone else that wanted him to change, but he didn't care, did he?

That morning Elena made vervain-infused tea for Jenna, Jeremy, herself and I before we left for the boarding house, figuring that it was best to just be extra careful. I mean, one of them had already spotted us, knew that we looked like Katherine, so it wasn't a bad idea to be extra safe that day.

I hurried, following behind Elena into the boarding house, escaping the rain that was coming down hard outside. The weekend was supposed to be plagued by a storm, and it was definitely already starting to get muddy, and soppy outside, leaves sticking to the bottoms of my shoes.

As I went to shut the door behind me, my eyes found Stefan's as he embraced my sister who's back was faced to me, giving me a small smile, before I decided to mouth a, "hey" to him.

My eyes averted to Damon, as I walked past my sister and Stefan, finding him boarding up one of the many windows in the parlor, greeting me with a smirk to which I simply rolled my eyes, unamused. It was crazy how I could be so thankful for him one second, and be beyond angry at him the next.

We all gathered by the couch as Damon continued to hammer away, discussing what we were going to do about the vampires. Nobody was safe. Not just, the four of us, but the entire town was at risk with a tomb full of vampires walking around, roaming free. They were clearly vengeful, so what wouldn't they do? Where would they draw the line?

"I say we go to Pearl's," Damon suggested, turning to face us once he was done. "bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night."

"Yeah. And then what?" Stefan responded. "We turn to the rest of that house of vampires and say, 'Oops. Sorry?'"

"I can't believe you made a deal with her." Elena blurted out, crossing her arms over her chest as she narrowed her eyes on Damon.

"It was more like a helpful exchange of information." Damon pointed out. "And it's not like I had a choice. She's...scary. Besides, she's gonna help me get Katherine back."

I scoffed, shaking my head. "Of course she is." I snapped as his gaze moved to mine, looking as if he was ready to challenge whatever I was about to say. "Damon gets what he wants, as usual. No matter who he hurts in the process."

"You don't have to be snarky about it."

"I woke up this morning to learn that all the vampires have been released from the tomb." I responded, meeting him past the couch. "I've earned snarky."

The tomb vampires weren't the real reason I was so angry, the real reason I was so angry was because he was so selfish, because he was willing to risk everything for a woman that didn't even want him, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I just couldn't not be mean to him.

"Is this because I turned your birth mother into a vampire?" He questioned, easily sensing that the tomb vampires weren't my only source of frustration. "Last night you weren't so mad.."

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