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I woke up to Stefan's gentle touch, my eyes fluttering open to find him knelt down beside me, his hand languidly moving in circles on my arm. "Hey," He whispered as I came to, and last night's events quickly began to flood my thoughts. "You alright?"

I was stuck in the tomb, I remembered, the soft, warm, cushiony bed in my room was now replaced by a stone bench. But, waking up on a piece of slab wasn't as bad as it sounded, because I got to wake up to Stefan, too.

"Damon stopped by earlier," He went on, pushing the hair from my face as I sat up straight. "brought you some food."

Damon, I thought. I could only imagine how incredibly angry he was with me, with Stefan for letting me in, and I could already see us arguing over it when I eventually got out of the tomb.

I gratefully took the bottle of water from his hand, relieved as I drank. Drinking my water, I realized just how thirsty and hungry I had gotten in such a short amount of time, and I couldn't imagine what it must've been like for Stefan.

I pulled the bottle from my lips, meeting his gaze as he moved to sit beside me on the bench. "What about you?" I asked, setting the bottle down.

"Don't worry about me," He softly said, assuringly placing his hand over mine. "I'll be fine."

My gaze traveled down to his hand that was gently cupped over mine, and I couldn't explain how warm, how undeniably safe he made me feel. And all I did for him was, make things complicated. I'd done so many stupid things where he had to go and risk his life for me, and those were the only times that I'd ever regret getting myself in trouble. Because I didn't want him to get hurt.


Sitting in the tomb, I realized just how short, and how long time truly could go by. In some moments, it felt like I'd been sitting on that cold ground for months, and in others it felt like a single day hadn't gone by. It felt like I had forever, and never all at once.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, glancing over at Stefan who was sitting beside me, a gentle smile forming on his lips as he caught my eye.

"You alright?" He asked me, and I wondered if he felt stupid for following me in, then. "You hungry?"

I shook my head, gently smiling back. "Mostly tired.."

"Come here," I always wondered then, if he knew what he was doing when he got close to me, if he knew just how much I loved him. I wondered if he could sense how everything just sparked inside of me, and somehow relaxed all at once when he wrapped his arm around me, letting my rest my head against him.

I wondered if he'd ever look at me the way that I looked at him, the way that he looked at Elena. And when I thought of that, I felt wrong, and I felt dirty, felt like the worst sister in the world because I'd fallen in love with her boyfriend. I'd fallen in love with someone that wasn't mine, that wasn't ever supposed to be mine.

But, then I wondered, if he wasn't made for me, why had I fallen in love? And that was incredibly selfish of me to think.

"How sweet..I'm jealous.." Katherine cooed, standing a few feet away from us. "I bet Elena would be, too." I ignored her, as best as I could, but she didn't stop. Trying to get under my skin was all she could do, anymore. "You can hate me all you want," She explained, nearing the two of us. "But you gotta admit, me compelling you to be trapped in here is the best thing that's ever happened to you." I furrowed my brows, watching as her lips curved into that signature twisted, yet playful smirk. "Now you've got Stefan all to yourself."

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