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That night, Jenna had locked herself in her room, and refused to talk to Elena or I. Isobel was sure to let her know that she'd already met Elena and I, and that sent Jenna off. And I didn't blame her. She had every right to be mad at us, but it wasn't exactly an easy choice for Elena and I to have made. I wanted to tell her, and I should have.

We should've been honest from the start, about everything because having her find out like that was far worse.

"Hey." Alaric said, having come over the next morning to see how she was doing. "Is she up yet?" He asked, as I shut the front door behind him.

"She won't come out of her room." Elena replied, walking in from the kitchen.

"What'd you guys tell her?"

"Nothing." I shook my head, glancing up at the staircase. "She won't talk to us."

"We're gonna have to fix this..." Alaric trailed off, as Jenna suddenly began to walk down the stairs.



"I don't want you here, Ric." She coldly said, clearly still upset. "You need to go."

"Okay, listen. I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now - "

"Rage and betrayal would pretty much cover it." Jenna interrupted, grabbing her purse and jacket.

When we first found out, I thought that keeping everything from her was the right thing to do, I mean how do you tell someone that your birth mother is a vampire? How do you even begin to explain all of that? Keeping it away from her was just easier, for her and for us.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she slipped on her jacket.

"I'm gonna stay on campus." She said, and I sighed, glancing over at Elena. "I have a thesis to write, and I don't wanna be in this house."

"Jenna, please just stop. Let us explain to you exactly what is going on - "

"Elena," She looked over at my sister. "I need you and Lyssa to go to the Lockwood's today and accept the historical society's check for your mom's foundation."

"Okay, but, Jenna, please just-"

"I don't have it in me to hear any more lies from you." She snapped, before storming off to the door to leave.

"Let her go." John said, stepping out of the kitchen, as the three of us wanted to go after her. I watched as Jenna walked out, the door slamming shut behind her. "It's better that she's not here, what with everything that's going on," He joined us, looking at Ric. "but maybe had you been a little more honest with her from the beginning, this-"

Suddenly, Alaric threw his fist straight at John, punching him across the face. My eyes widened, never having seen Ric so angry, not surprised that John had been the one to bring it out of him.

"Sorry girls." He softly said, before walking out, leaving Elena and I with John.

He had his hand to his jaw, processing what had just happened as he looked over at my sister and I, as if Alaric was in the wrong. But, he wasn't. Last night, Isobel didn't come on her own accord, she'd come to see John.

"You know this is your fault," I stated. "right?"



Elena, Stefan and I went downstairs after John had called us down, telling us that it was important we all talk. I couldn't imagine what he wanted to talk about with us anymore, how he thought we could ever trust him again. He'd been the one to hand over the dagger to Damon, and he was the one that knew if a vampire used the dagger to kill Elijah, the vampire would die, too.

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