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I sat in my bedroom, wondering what I'd gotten myself into it, as I listened to the shower suddenly shut off in my bathroom. I hopped off my bed, picking up the clothes that I'd found, before walking over and knocking on the door as softly as I could.

"I uhh, I got you something to change into." I said, hoping not to wake Jenna or Jeremy.

The door suddenly opened, but only a bit, only giving me a tiny glimpse of what Elijah looked like without a shirt on, and I wondered if I'd ever find a vampire that wasn't built so beautifully. All I could see was part of his chest, his left arm, chiseled body matching his chiseled face.

"Uh - here." I awkwardly stuttered, handing him the clothes, before he took them, locking himself back in my bathroom.

I let out a deep breath, spinning back around, and I finally felt like a typical teenager. I felt like the girls in all those movies, that had snuck a boy over through their bedroom window, except that I'd snuck in a vampire through the front door.

It felt exhilarating in a way, to be sneaking around, to have been in charge of something for once.

The door opened up once more and this time Elijah stepped out, wearing a pair of sweatpants and plain white tee shirt that I'd found, and it was so strangely comforting to see him not all dressed up in a suit.

I smiled, as he flicked off the lights behind him, looking up at me. "You look better," I said, as he walked out into my room, before handing him the blood bag I had stolen from the fridge at the boarding house. "here."

He took the bag, eyeing me for a moment before opening it up. "Thank you." Elijah said, before he drank, and I moved to my window seat, to sit down.

"Where did you get the dagger?" He suddenly asked, after finishing the bag of blood, tossing it into the trash bin in my room.

"I'll tell you everything," I promised him. "but we have to work together, Elijah. I need your word."

"Your ability to make demands has long passed." He said, walking towards me, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"No demands," I said, watching as he moved to sit down beside me on the window seat. "I'm offering you my help in return for yours."

"And why should I even consider this?"

"Look, I know you think that I was in on killing you, but I had no idea." I stated, hoping that he could just see that I wasn't lying. "I would never do that to you.."

His gaze held mine, and I could tell - within his eyes - that there was something so lonely about him, something that desired intimacy, and I wasn't talking about sex. For the first time, I'd seen past his beautifully stoic face, past those hardened eyes, chipped away a little, at the facade he held up so tightly.

"You need my help to kill Klaus." I said. "And I need you." I was so desperate for him to hear me out, to believe me, but I would understand if he didn't. I wouldn't believe me. I sighed, and looked away from Elijah, down to the floor, wondering if in the next moment, when I lifted my head, he'd just be gone. "He's here."

"Klaus is here?" He asked - and he was still there - as I looked back up at him, nodding my head.

"He's taken over Alaric's body."

"Of course he has." Elijah replied, not at all surprised by Klaus' actions. "One of his favorite tricks."

"What are his other tricks?" I asked. "What is he gonna do next? You're the only one who knows him."

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