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He was gone.

Cool air nipping at my bare legs, I turned to my side, looking out of my open window into the night sky, white curtains billowing with every breeze. He was really gone. I tossed onto my back, running a hand through my tangled hair, letting out a deep sigh. He wasn't supposed to leave, not like this, not at all.

Trying to sleep knowing that Stefan was leaving - had maybe already left - was impossible. By the time the sun rose, I was on my feet, slowly getting ready for school. There was an event tonight, about carving out your future, like a job fair and I had absolutely not a single clue as to what I wanted to do with my life.

Things were different.

Someone handed me a flyer for it on my way outside during lunch, and I crinkled it up in a ball and tossed it into the nearest trashcan before stepping out. I lied to Elena and the girls that I was going to take my lunch break into the library, needing to study for something when what I needed to do was figure out what was going on with the somewhat noisy compass - watch - vampire - hunting - device in my bag.

My eyes flickered along the expanse of the schoolyard, looking out for Elena or one of the girls when my eyes saw someone else. Oh my god, I thought I was dreaming. Across the yard, leaning against a lunch table stood Stefan.

A small smile formed on my lips as his eyes met mine, a sigh of relief escaping me. Maybe he wasn't leaving, or maybe he'd come to say goodbye. Whatever it was, I walked across to join him, watching as he nonchalantly straightened his posture, arms crossed over his broad chest.

"Hi." Was all I could manage, as I stopped and looked up at him, into those beautiful eyes I'd seen a few weeks ago for the first time. "You're here."

"Yeah." He nodded, though he didn't seem as happy about it as I was, or as I'm sure Elena was. She'd told me earlier that she knew about the new vampire, but she hadn't mentioned that Stefan was actually coming to school. "Look, I just came to keep an eye on you and Elena..with the new vampire in town.."

I nodded, tucking a strand behind my ear, realizing what he meant. When this new vampire was gone, Stefan would be too. "Right, but then you're gonna leave when it's all over.."


I shook my head, biting my lip. "You know, if you're gonna leave, you should just do it." I pointed out, growing slightly frustrated. I couldn't sleep because I thought he left, that he was leaving and now he was just hanging around, making it worse. "Because sticking around...is just making it harder on everyone, Stefan.."

I didn't want him to leave, but if he was going to do it, then he should've already done it. Walking around, wondering if I was going to see him, made it worse than knowing that he was gone. I sighed, before walking past him.


I got out of my car, looking up at the storage building that the compass had led me to. I looked at it down in my palm, and realized that there was probably a vampire not too far from me, and I was all alone, though it was daylight out. If they had one of those rings that Stefan and Damon had, wouldn't they be outside?

I texted Damon, letting him know where I was, before curiosity got to the best of me and I started to walk towards the building. I wondered if this new vampire was someone that I knew, or if it was just someone from a different town.

Just as I took a step towards the stairs, Damon was in front of me. I gasped, startled by his abruptness to which he smirked. "Thanks for the help, but this is where it stops." He did this weird thing with his eyes, that was unnerving and charming all at once.

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