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I awoke, confused and groggy, sitting up in a bed that I didn't recognize or remember getting in. My eyes fluttered open to find that I was in some sort of motel room, sitting on one of two beds, gasping when I spotted a man sleeping in a chair a few feet ahead of me. I recognized him, I thought. It took a few seconds, but I remembered that he had gone to my high school - Ben - and graduated a few years ago. Elena had told me he had a date with Bonnie last night.. and then I remembered what happened.

Some girl - some figure - had kidnapped me when I went to grab some medicine, and as I sat up, I found I wasn't alone with Elena right beside me, still asleep.

I gave her a gentle shove, until she stirred awake and when she did, I quickly put my fingers up to my lips, telling her to be quiet, before pointing at Ben.

Elena and I both knew what we had to do. Most vampires besides Damon and Stefan didn't have daylight rings, which meant that all we needed to do was get on the other side of the door. Quietly we both slid out of bed, making sure not to create too much noise. Elena behind me, I slowly stepped over Ben's outstretched leg, holding my breath as I did so.

We reached the door, Elena gently unlocking the deadbolt as I kept watch on Ben. He was still asleep, before I turned to get out with Elena. The second she went to turn the knob, he spoke up from behind us.

"I wouldn't." I gasped, both of us spinning around to see him standing inches away.

"Don't try to escape." He compelled, looking between us. "Don't even move. Do you understand?" He must've not known about vervain.

"I understand." Elena and I responded in unison.

He scoffed and turned around, going to get something from the mini-fridge. Both, Elena and I turned back around to leave. Just as Elena opened the door to get out, someone appeared in front of her ; a girl.

She yanked Elena by her hair, shoving her back into the room, knocking into me.

"Seriously?!" The girl hissed at Ben. She had long dark hair, pale skin, and looked to be about our age. Who was she?

"I told them not to move!" Ben argued in defense. "I did that eye thing that you taught me!"

"And forgot the lesson about vervain!" She continued. "One of them dates a vampire, Ben. Duh!"

Stefan, I thought. I wondered if he knew we were gone, wondered if he'd come for us. Of course he would, he always did.

The girl then grabbed Elena, while Ben took me and pushed us to the wall by the bathroom door. "Who are you?"

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Does it matter?" She responded before grabbing Elena and shoving her into the bathroom. I followed, shoved in by Ben, the door slamming shut behind me.

I maneuvered around the dark, finding the light switch before flicking it on. "Bonnie?" Elena gasped, before I turned too, and saw Bonnie laying in the bathtub, unconscious.


Elena and I tried to wake Bonnie, before I came up with the idea to wet a wash cloth in the sink. I knelt back down beside them, placing the warm wet towel to her forehead. Slowly, but surely she awoke, regaining consciousness.

"Elena?" She questioned, eyes fluttering open as I pulled the cloth back. "Lyssa?"

"Oh, you're okay!" I said, wrapping my arms around her, relieved that nothing had happened. For a while I thought that she might not wake up and if she didn't, I didn't know what I'd do. I couldn't lose yet another person, and definitely not someone as important to me as Bonnie.

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