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Slowly, I felt myself waking in someone's arms, eyes fluttering as I came to. As my eyes opened, memories started to flood my thoughts, the last thing I could remember was being at the masquerade, and then everything had just gone black. I looked up at the person carrying me, a man, not much older than myself and panic quickly set in. I had been taken.

I remembered standing outside, remembered feeling happy and then all of a sudden, someone had grabbed me from behind, ending it all. The man set me down onto a couch, where I found Elena lying, realizing that I wasn't the only one that had been taken that night.

The room we were in looked like an old ballroom, but it was completely falling apart. Floorboards had been lifted, windows had been broken and boarded up, dust everywhere, and somehow it was filled with trash, yet empty all at once.

"What do you want?" I asked, daring to look up at my captor.

"Shh." He told me, as he began to unravel the restraints I only found out then, were tied around my wrists ankles.

"Please," Elena spoke up from beside me, learning that her arm was bleeding. "I'm hurt."

"I know." He smirked, moving away from me over to my sister. "Just a taste.." He leaned down towards her, when suddenly a fourth voice echoed from somewhere else.

"Trevor!" A tall woman with short auburn cut hair, walked in, alerting the boy. "Control yourself!" There was a hint of an accent to her voice, British, I was guessing.

"Rose," He called her, leaning away from Elena. "Buzz kill." The woman stared him down, asserting her dominance, something about her seemingly older than the boy who'd just carried me there. He sighed, before storming off and out of the room, leaving us three.

"What do you want with us?" Elena spoke up, as she stood from the couch.

"Oh my god," Rose stared at the two of us, shocked and in awe. "you two look just like her."

"But we're not." I shook my head, standing from the couch. Maybe the reason that we were there was because she believed one of us was Katherine. Maybe it was just a mix up. "Please, whatever you-"

"Be quiet." She snapped at me.

"Neither of us are Katherine." I tried to explain, desperately. "My name is Lyssa Gilbert and this is my sister Elena ; you don't have to do this."

"I know who you are," She pointed out. "I said be quiet."

"What do you want?" Elena spoke up, but just as she did, the female vampire slapped her across her cheek she collapsed back onto the couch.

"I want you to be quiet." She repeated, as I quickly hurried over to Elena who'd fallen unconscious. "Do you understand?"

I looked up at Rose, simply nodding before she turned on her heel, walking back up the staircase.

Where the hell were we?


Elena finally regained consciousness as I gave her a gentle shake, her eyes fluttering open as she sat back up. The vampires had disappeared somewhere off further into the house, and while sitting there, I realized that they couldn't follow us outside. It was daylight, I could tell, by the little hints of light peeking through the broken, boarded up windows.

As Elena sat up, she gasped, and I quickly put my finger up to my lips, motioning for her to keep quiet. She nodded, before I moved to help her up off the couch. It was either now, or never that we try to escape. Elena quickly caught onto my idea, following my lead as we silently inched up the staircase.

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