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A/N - Lyssa's gonna admit something big!!!! (LOL I'm keeping this in bc the comments are hilarious)

The next morning, I'd gone to the boarding house to find Stefan and Elena to talk about the deal with Elijah. The original vampire had offered the protection of our family, our loved ones, our friends, in exchange that Elena and I simply, live our lives. He explained that he wanted to kill Klaus - that he was going to - and the only way to lure him out was with Elena and I.

And Elena easily took it. So did I.

I mean, there was no reason not to trust Elijah. I knew that he was a stranger - yes - but it didn't mean that he wasn't being honest. If he wanted, he could've killed us all, and taken Elena and I, but he hadn't. So I was going to trust him, because that was all I had, that ensured the safety of everyone that I loved.

And I knew Damon and Stefan weren't happy about it, thought that he was lying, but that didn't matter. It wasn't their deal.

"How is it?" I heard Rose as I walked into the parlor, after searching for my sister and Stefan. I figured they must've already left for school.

"Definitely...better." Damon responded, glancing over his shoulder at me. "Right, Lyssa?"

I looked at the wound on Rose's back, near her shoulder blade, before glancing over at Damon who was hinting at me with his eyebrows.

I sighed, nodding my head. "Um, it's not bad."

Last night, after he'd left and gotten back to the boarding house, two werewolves had come in and attacked him and Rose. A man and a woman.

Maybe if I'd just talked to him, he wouldn't have been home when they came...

But, thankfully, Damon was fine, although Rose has been bitten.

"Hey, you busy?" He asked, suddenly changing the topic as Rose covered her wound. "Cause if you could play nurse for a little while..."

"It's not necessary." Rose quickly objected.

"It is necessary." He pointed out. "Lyssa is a do-gooder. It's in her nature, she just can't resist."

He threw on his jacket, and waltzed out of the room, leaving me with Rose, who didn't look well at all. I turned and hurried up to Damon.

"Damon. Is she gonna die?" I asked.

"Probably. The wolf bite caused some kind of infection and it's getting worse."

I furrowed my brows. "Like poison?"

"I don't know, Lyssa. I'm not an expert in the field."

"I'm sorry." I genuinely said, knowing that he cared about her. At first, I'd been jealous, but then I thought it was good that he had someone that wasn't me, or his brother.

"Death happens. We come, we go. Sooner she dies the better. It's gloomy as hell in here."


Rose and I had migrated to Damon's bedroom, where I was helping her into his bed, so that she could rest. Just a little while ago, I had been afraid of her, afraid of what she could do, and now I was helping her into bed, too weak to do on her own. It was as if she was a human, terminally ill, and I suppose in a way, that's just what she was ; terminally ill. It was strange, to say the least, to see a vampire as old as her, as once strong as her, falling sick.

"I hate this." She admitted as I helped her onto the bed, under the covers. "I'm a vampire, I haven't had a cold in five centuries."

"Just get in bed." I urged, pulling up the sheets for her.

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