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The next day mostly passed by boring. There was no Damon, no vampires - besides Stefan - no problems, and it felt strangely uneventful, like I wasn't being productive if I wasn't being kidnapped. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my room, lying in my bed, staring up aimlessly, just thinking. My thoughts were scattered all over the place, all the way from Isobel to the guy I met last night, but ultimately they'd end up on Stefan.

I didn't know what I would've done without him. The thought of living in a world without him seemed so wrong, and yet if things had gone the way they were supposed to, if life and death still had the same meaning, I would've never met him.

The doorbell rang, and Elena called out from her room for me to go get it, because she was getting ready for her double date tonight with Caroline and Matt. It sounded kind of silly to be going on a date with everything that was going on, but I knew she needed it. They all did.

I got downstairs, opening up the front door and for a second it was for me. For just a blip in time, Stefan was standing there holding a bouquet of fresh flowers for me. Maybe in another world he was.

"Sorry, I thought.." Stefan began, and the blip was over, and reality was steadily sinking back in.

"She's upstairs." I explained, stepping aside. "Uhh, come in." As he stepped inside, I sighed, moving to shut the door as I heard Elena's voice.

"You got me flowers!" She chimed, and once I'd spun around, I found them embracing one another in a sweet kiss, Elena taking hold of the flowers he'd gotten her, and the world stopped when I saw them together.

I felt uncomfortable just standing and staring, so quickly I walked past them to the kitchen for an escape. Why did I care that they were together? I mean, just a few weeks ago I was pushing Elena to be with Stefan, and now the sight of them together - it did something to me, something that I couldn't explain, no something I wouldn't explain.

"I figured it's a date, why not do it right?" Stefan responded as they walked to the kitchen and I opened up the fridge, pretending to be looking for something. "I would have driven too but you're the one with the car."

"You know," Elena spoke up, my eyes darting away from them to pull out a carton of orange juice I found. "you think that for someone who was around when the car was invented you would have one."

As I moved to grab a glass from the cabinet, I noticed her walk over to the sink, filling up one of the vases she'd pulled out with water for her flowers.

"Oh, I have one." Stefan pointed out. "I just never drive it."

"You know, it's not too late to cancel."

I bit my lip, eyes narrowing on the orange drink splashing into my no longer empty glass, soon putting it back into the fridge as swiftly as I'd gotten it out. I tried not to listen, tried not to pay too much attention, but I couldn't not.

"Why we would do that?"

"I don't know, it just seems surreal. Like maybe we weren't meant to get to the normal part..." Elena sighed, as I brought my drink to my lips, taking a sip of the sweet citrusy goodness. "What do you think, Lys?"

I raised my brows, turning to face the two of them. "Uhh.." I trailed off. "No, you guys should go and have some fun."

"You know, you should come to." Stefan spoke up, his eyes meeting mine. "We could always use a...fifth wheel." His sweet smile turned into a smirk, and I laughed once I realized he was joking around. He didn't do that a lot, not like Damon, but when he did it was...cute.

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