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Elena and I talked all that night, about everything. It felt like I hadn't sat down and talked to her in forever, and I realized how much I missed it. I shouldn't have been so angry at her, and I didn't think that I really was angry at her. It was like I was just angry, in general, ever since we'd found out about Klaus.

But that night, I learned that Bonnie had gotten her powers back, after going with Damon to the Martin's house, and I also found out that she was apparently strong enough to kill Klaus now, without getting herself hurt in the process. It seemed like things were finally starting to look up. 

But weirdly enough, what I found that was most surprising was that Jeremy and Bonnie were dating. That, I hadn't seen coming, at all.

That next morning Bonnie, Elena and I were gathered in the Salvatore parlor with our lawyer and the deed to the house. "Please sign here and here." Mr. Henry said, pointing to the spots where Elena and I had to sign in order to officially own the house.

"So this place is all for you guys?" Bonnie asked, as I signed first. "They just gave it to you guys?"

I never pictured owning my first house to end up that way, but it was kind of cool, in a way. I knew that technically, that my house was where I'd grown up, but in the short time that I'd spent at the boarding house, it had quickly begun to feel like home.

"For now." I said, handing off the pen to Elena. "As Elena and I are the only owners, we're the only two who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean."

"A personal safe house." She realized.

"That's the idea." Elena said, handing the pen back to Mr. Henry, and it was official. We owned the house.

"Wouldn't want to clean it." Bonnie replied, sarcastically to which both Elena and I laughed.

"Thank you, Mr. Henry." I said, leading him out to the door with Elena. Outside, Stefan and Damon waited, and it seemed like Elena forgot the whole reason that we'd signed to own their house was so that nobody could come in, because she'd turned right around, to go back in.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot." She realized, joining me back at the door. "Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?"

"I would love to." He smiled. "Thank you." He stepped inside, as Damon stood outside, looking over at me, awaiting an invitation.

"What are we, twelve?"

"One of us is." I pointed out. "If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?"

He scoffed. "No."

"Seriously, Damon." I said. "My way. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas."

"Fine," He sighed, agreeing, although I didn't know how much I believed him. "I promise."

"Then please," I said, stepping aside. "come in."

He walked inside and looked at Stefan, who was amused. "Shut up." He muttered, before Bonnie joined us again, throwing my my jacket.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stefan asked, as I picked up my bag from the hook by the door, as Elena put on her jacket.

"To school." I replied, and I could easily tell what was coming next. They wanted us to stay at home, all day, but we couldn't do that.

Besides, it was school. There were people everywhere, including Stefan and Alaric, who Klaus surely knew about. He wouldn't come to the school.

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