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Days had gone by since I'd last seen Damon, since I'd told him that he'd lost me forever, and I almost felt at peace because it was over, for good. Staying away from him allowed me to think rationally, to live normally, and without as much heartbreak.

I was healing.

"Thanks for letting me invite Caroline." I told my aunt Jenna as I walked into the kitchen, ready to help her set up for the barbecue she was hosting that day. "She could use a day of distraction."

Aunt Jenna had invited Alaric, Elena and whoever we wanted over to meet Mason. Elena naturally invited Stefan, and we both decided on Caroline, since she needed right then more than ever to feel normal. She'd been dealing with her transition, strangely well, almost as if she hadn't changed at all, which I couldn't be more thankful for.

It was all because of Stefan.

"Well," Jenna sighed, looking up at me as she pulled out a stack of clean plates. "she's not the plus one I'm worried about."

I'd invited someone, myself.

"Nik's really nice," I pointed out. "I promise."

When I'd said that I'd been healing, I was healing with him ; Nik. He was the perfect distraction from reality, was always there to talk to me, and had been the reason for the few smiles on my face that week.

"I'm not worried about..." Jenna trailed off, as she looked at me, eyes suddenly widening with realization. "Oh, you don't know.."

"Don't know what?"

"..that Alaric invited Damon." Jenna said, setting my heart at an unease.

I didn't want to see Damon, not then and definitely not when I'd already invited Nik over. It felt like my heart was going to drop right into my stomach when I heard the doorbell ring from the other room.

I furrowed my brows, before passing through the kitchen and by the living room to the front door, expecting Alaric. Instead, I found Nik, standing with the brightest, most beautiful bouquet of flowers in hand.

I let out a sigh, that inevitably turned into a smile. "Hi," was all I could make out, a warmth spreading to my stomach that put me at ease.

"I got these for.." Before he could finish what he was going to say, I'd stepped outside and moved to embrace him.

Nik chuckled, gently wrapping his arms around me, and it was the calm before the storm I knew was coming.


I smiled, as I backed up against the kitchen, gaze never dropping from Nik's. "I'm really glad you're here.." I admitted, before his lips curved into a small smile, too.

"That makes the two of us, love." He said softly, as he neared me, moving to close the space between us and capture my lips into a kiss.

Just as his skin got to touch mine, a familiar voice from the living room interrupted, startling me. "Lyssa, we're playing pictionary!"

I sighed, letting out a soft laugh as Nik leaned away from me, in defeat. "I'm growing less and less fond of that girl by the second.."

I giggled, grabbing his hand. "She's not that bad, I promise." 

I led Nik back to the living room where we sat beside Caroline who's eyes were glued to what Damon was drawing on the board in front of everyone.

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