Chapter 1

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There's blood everywhere.

In front of him lies two dead bodies. A man and a woman. Both with their throats slashed. Blood is seeping out of the wounds creating a pool of red, thick liquid that smells of iron. The woman is still alive.

Her heart is still beating.

He can hear it, but he doesn't care.

Cause he's the one that did it.

He's smiling, circling around the two helpless, dying preys. Waiting for their lives to go to heaven or hell, it doesn't matter, cause he doesn't care. He just wants his meal, but because of what he is, he needs to wait. He can't feed on the living, cause if he does, he will be punished.

So he waits.

He waits for the hearts to stop. For the bodies to turn cold. He doesn't mind drinking cold blood as long as he can feed.

Then it happens.

The last heartbeat, then silence.

He lashes forwards, digging his extracting fangs into the already open wound on the woman, the blood is still warm. He drinks, inhaling it like his life depends on it, which it does, but luckily he only needs to feed once a week.

He lives a dangerous life, always on the run, not from the police, but from people who wants him.

He is special.

He halts his movements, suddenly feeling a presence behind him. He turns quickly, extracting his claws ready to defend himself. His eyes glowing a crimson red, but there's no one there...

Or is it?


Jimin gasps as his body throws itself into a sitting position, covered in sweat and tears staining his cute, slightly chubby cheeks. He's breathing fast, too fast, which causes his blood pressure to rise and his adrenaline to increase.

It happened again, he had another cognition.

"MOM!" he screams, afraid of panicking alone. He needs comfort and quickly. He could feel the pain, an unbearable sensation, but an ability he has possessed for his entire life.

He was born with it.

Born with the ability to feel others pain, but only in his "visions". One would think he would be used to it by now, but it's never the same. Usually he only feels the victims pain, watching helplessly as the murderer or creature takes them, but this time was different.

Cause this time he felt the pain of the creature too.

"MOM!" he screams again, feeling even closer to his panic attack. It hasn't happened in a while. He was fine for almost the entire time they lived in Busan, but as soon as he moved to Seoul, they came back. More frequently as if they are giving him a warning.

"Jimin, what is it?" his mother comes running into his room, swiftly embracing her son in a comforting hug. "It happened again, didn't it?" she asks, but she needs no answer.

She knows.

She blames herself for giving Jimin his abilities.

She wished for nothing more than for him to be just a normal human being, like his father, but luck was not on her side. With magic she had managed to supress it for some time while they were still in Busan, but Seoul had a different aura.

An aura she is not used to and as soon as they stepped into the territory, the spell broke.

Her spell, her witch's spell.

"Shh baby, its ok, its ok. I'm right here" she comforts, feeling how her son is shaking in her hands. "Was it the same?" she asks, knowing that the exactly same vision her son just had, has repeated itself for the last few days.

A warning perhaps?

"I have never felt such p-power m-mom," Jimin is trying his best to steady his breath. If his adrenaline continues to rise, he will be forced to have another one, something he doesn't want to happen. "I have never felt the presence of this creature before. He was so powerful, but he was pained and I felt his pain mom. I felt it!" more tears escaped his eyes as he struggled with the words.

"Try not to think more of it tonight sweetie. Tomorrow you will start a new school. Meet new friends and have a new life, isn't that gonna be great?" His mom was too excited considering it was 1 am in the morning. "I guess," Jimin whispered, laying back down, letting his mom tuck him in.

"Here let me help you," her soothing words lets Jimin close his eyes.

His moms flashes a bright pink before she lets her hand rest on Jimins chest. "Noctibus," she whispers the Latin word, watching Jimins mind as darkness consumes it and he falls back into a deep slumber.

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