Chapter 50

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"I'll stay..." "Are you sure?" "Yes, now go home and get some rest, there is nothing more we can do for tonight. Besides, I don't sleep remember? You do," Hoseok physically had to push the two hybrids out of the house, giving them one final promise that he and Mrs Park would take good care of the two werewolves.

Closing the door, Hoseok leaned against it, sighing while running a hand through his messed up hair. It was greasy and sweaty from the fight earlier on and pulling his hand away, Hoseok saw tiny spots of dried blood on it.

His hair rising on his back upon thinking back to the fact that he accidently killed someone. Hoseok had killed before, but not like this. This was out of pure hatred, revenge and anger for something the poor werewolf didn't even do.

Technically it wasn't even Hoseok who did it, the voice in his head being stronger than his demon and the voice had become all too familiar to Hoseok,


"He's not the bad guy, just made out to be one," Mrs Park was leaning against the doorway that separated the living room from the hallway, a small tear escaping her eye that she quickly dried away. "You can read my thoughts," Hoseok acknowledged but Mrs Park only nodded in return.

There was something to this woman that Hoseok couldn't quite put his finger on. Like a deep, dark and regretable secret that Mrs Park had been forced to carry on her own.

"I have so many questions..." "I know, and I will give you answers, but first I think you deserve to have a nice warm shower," the woman smiled before extending her arm, a towel in her hand. Hoseok smiled, a genuine one before bowing towards the woman and grabbing the towel. "Upstairs to the right," Mrs Park mumbled before heading back into the living room not wanting to leave the two werewolves completely alone.

Hoseok quickly bowed again before heading upstairs.

The hallway silent and dark but the demon hybrid didn't mind. He was used to darkness, to silence and emptiness, but Hoseok was currently feeling a warm sensation building up in his chest. It was almost like both parts of his heart were beating at the same time. A feeling Hoseok hadn't felt since that day and he wondered if it had something to do with the woman downstairs.


"Did you really mean it?" Namjoon practically whispered and Jins ears perked up trying to understand what had just come out of his mouth. The omega titled his head, not recognizing what the alpha was referring to and Namjoon only huffed in response. "Back when I told you to insult me, did you really mean i-it?" the alpha stuttered at the end, clearly nervous about what Jin was going to say next. He felt hurt, but he trusted the omega in front of him.

"Not everything," Jin spoke with honesty, his ears lying flat against his head and he rapped his tail around his leg. "You're not weak, that was a lie, but I think you can be selfish at times. I sometimes feel that you see me just as a creature to carry your young, to bring on your legacy, which hurts me," Jin spoke the last part softly, holding in his tears.

There had been many times were the two had ended up fighting over stupid things, ridiculous topics really, but the most frequent one being the fact that Jin felt that Namjoon was constantly pushing him into having children, something the young omega wanted too, but was not ready for yet.

Namjoon watched how Jins mood faltered and he quickly grabbed the omegas hand, causing Jin to stop. "I love you Jin, not you're body, not the omega, but you," Namjoon brought his loved one closer, caressing his arms while pecking Jins forehead.

"It's your personality that I fell in love with. The way you're always happy and caring but at the same time independent and stubborn. I love you cause you see me for me and not just a stupid alpha. I love you because we understand each other, because we are alike." Namjoon moved back, feeling something wet touch his cheek.

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