Chapter 12

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Jimin browsed the area, trying to look for a table that would hopefully be empty so that he could eat without having any more trouble.

He just wanted to be left alone, was that too much to ask?

This whole day had so far been just drama and chaos and Jimin was already regretting having to go to school the next morning, but first he had to get this day over with.

So, with a deep sigh he aimed for a table in the far left corner. It only had one student sitting at it and he was reading a book so Jimin thought that he could ask if he could sit at the other end.

He never got to that table.

Two steps further into the cafeteria was all he needed to take before a certain beta werewolf spotted him.

Taehyung waved his hand frantically in the air, signalling Jimin to come over, but the halfling was unsure whether or not he should ignore it. On the opposite side of Taehyung, sat a cold, blood-sucking vampire with a smirk plastered on his face.

A smirk that Jimin wanted badly to wipe off, but he didn't have the courage to do so.

"Jimin, come sit with us!" Taehyung shouted, causing students to turn around. Seeing the young halfling hesitate, he quickly got up and dashed towards Jimin, before he could even get the chance to run away.
Jimin stood there wide eyed, watching the beta werewolf as he came storming towards him with great speed. So great that Jimin was scared that he would run straight into him, so he closed his eyes and prepared himself for the impact.

It never came.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked with a confused look on his face. Jimin had crouched down and was desperately shutting his eyes afraid of what would happen if he opened them.

But, seeing as the impact never happened, he quickly regained posture and answered the young beta. "Nothing, I'm sorry. I thought you would crash with me" Jimin gave a cheeky smile, quickly apologising while Taehyung huffed. "I do have some sense of reflexes, I am a werewolf after all," he stated before smiling and Jimin smiled with him letting Taehyung push him towards the table.

"Everyone, this is Jimin. Jimin this is Namjoon hyung, Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung, Jin hyung and Jungkook, which you have already met," Taehyung pointed as he introduced each one of them. Namjoon and Jin quickly bowed, something Jimin returned. Yoongi kept the smirk on his face and Hoseok ignored the whole introduction by staring out into thin air.

"Here, you can sit next to me," Jin smiled and moved closer to Jungkook so that Jimin could have a seat while Taehyung went back to his seat next to his mate before he continued with his food.

"So Jimin, where are you from?" Namjoon smiled and Jimin now realised that this had been the couple he saw in the hallway earlier, he felt the heat rising on his cheeks.
Up close, he could tell that they fit really well together and he almost became jealous at the fond expression they returned to each other every now and then.

"Busan," Jimin smiled and took a sip of his water before picking up his spoon to start on the kimchi soup in front of him. "I moved here about a week ago so its been a little weird to start a new school in the middle of the semester, but hopefully I'll manage," he smiled.

"Busan ey? A lot of witches and wizards down there" Yoongis smirk evidently still plastered on his face. "Yes," Jimin quickly ignored the tone in the vampires sentence. "My dad works for the Creature & Magic laboratory, but he recently got a promotion so he was moved to the main facility here in Seoul," Jimin explained.

"So, you're a wizard?" Hoseok gave a fake smile not really willing to get to know him, but still curious. Something felt off about the young man taking another spoon of his kimchi soup.

"Well, yeah. Although I prefer witch as they are weaker than wizards. I'm not as strong yet and fairly new to the whole magic stuff. I got my powers quite late" Jimin lied, taking another sip of his water.

"Not to be rude, but may I ask what you are? I haven't met many magic creatures before," he turned towards Jin, making eye contact with the omega before he pointed towards Jins ears. He didn't mean to sound disrespectful, he just genuinely didn't know.

"Of course," Jin smiled not taking it in an offending way. His ears perked up and Jimin was absolutely mesmerized by the beauty of them. "I'm a silver fox hybrid, an omega. My mate, Namjoon here is the same, except that he's an alpha." Namjoon smiled, making his ears perk up.

"Yoongi there is a vampire, Jungkook and Taehyung are werewolves, but you probably knew that already," Jimin nodded and turned his face towards Hoseok. "Hoseok is a..."

"Don't tell him!" Jin jumped at the voice that appeared in his head, but he didn't even turn towards the source, knowing who it was.

"Hoseok is special," Jin quickly corrected himself as he looked confused over towards Hoseok.

"Why don't I tell him?" Jin thought, knowing that the creature glaring at him, would read his mind.

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