Chapter 44

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"Yokai... What exactly is a fucking Yokai?" Yoongi asked annoyed over the fact that he didn't know. He was one who pretended to know everything while in real life, most of the time he was completely clueless.

It had never bothered Yoongi though, but it was bothering him now and he pondered if it had something to do with a certain little halfling...

Well, disguised halfling.

"Japanese demon," Zico shrugged, leaning against a tree near his border while pretending to pick his nails, suddenly unfazed with the current discussion that was going on.

"Japanese demon? DEMON?!" Hoseoks nostrils flared and his eyes glowed red, glaring at the vampire and both the werewolves took a few steps back, instantly feeling a little bit nervous. Yoongi was quick to follow the recommended gesture from the duo.

"Not just a demon. An ancient demon, but so different at the same time." Hoseok explained. He felt offended over the fact that the now nonchalant vampire had just compared half of him with a fucking Yokai.

How dare he?

At least his demon was way nicer and less mischievous than what a Yokai would be and Hoseok felt himself counting to 10 to calm himself down from speaking the word.

"So he's not like you?" Yoongi spoke the words with care, seeing as anything could tip Hoseok over the edge at the moment and the hybrid found himself adding another 10 to his previous count.

"No, not like me, worse." Hoseok confirmed, failing to notice the vampire behind him who was watching and gathering information with interest.

"How can someone be worse than you, hyung?" Jungkook giggled, but upon seeing the deadly stare that his hyung sent him, the black wolf cowered, giving away a tiny whimper in return for Hoseoks low growl.

"We need to find him though..." Yoongi thought. If Jimin really was a Yokai, it meant that he might be in danger. If he was anything similar to Hoseok and people were starting to figure it out, he would soon be running for his life too.

Yoongi couldn't understand how someone so soft, so gentle could be something so apparently evil as Hoseok had made it seem.

It didn't add up and Yoongi wondered how Jimin came to be one...

"I'm not sure..." Hoseok commented reading Yoongis mind before quickly going back to his own train of thoughts. "I don't think you can just become a Yokai..." he continued and the area fell into a silence, similar to a graveyard.

A nervous, unsettling sensation was building up inside most of the creatures, except one who watched the whole scenery with slight amusement and facination.

He had other plans and if the demon hybrid in front of him, currently facing his friends, thought that this was a one- way information "story- time", he was mistaken.

"You can't. You are born as one," Everyone turned in the direction of the voice, quickly followed by two sets of footsteps. In the shadows from the left side between the trees and the last brick building, a silver fox pair emerged from the shadows.

Namjoon instantly glared at the vampire standing by the border. A low, but deep and threatening growl made its way past his mouth and Zico suddenly felt the need to take his leave.

As he turned around, he bumped into something big, warm and fluffy and it took the vampire a moment to recognise the dark brown wolf that had almost ripped his arm off a couple of nights ago. Zico gulped, taking a few steps in the opposite direction while Taehyung growled and moved closer before suddenly sitting down, never letting his eyes leave the anxious vampire.

Hoseok seemed unbothered by the fact that Zico had just tried to escape. He was more interested in knowing how Jin had come to know about all of this and how he was currently more enlightened that the demon hybrid himself.

"How do you know?" Yoongi tried to hide the enthusiasm in his voice, but it was duly noted by the alpha werewolf next to him who snickered on the inside.

"His mom," Jin said, almost surprised about the fact that no one else had thought about asking the parent. "Really, none of you?" he asked disappointed.

Why was he friends with a bunch of idiots?

"Must be the omega in him..." Yoongi snickered towards the giant black wolf next to him and if the animal could smile, Jungkook would be grinning. Namjoon shot them a death glare, not in the mood to try and handle a pissed off Jin.

"Gonna pretend I didn't hear that..." the omega shot back and Yoongi had to turn away to hold back his laughter. "Anyways, how did you get her to speak?" Hoseok asked curious. "Easy," Jin shrugged, his ears twitching while his tail rapped around his leg. "I simply told her what had happened and that her son might be in danger and she told me everything." Jin shrugged.

"Not everything has to involve violence you know," Jin accused, making the dominant people of their little pack rethink their previous encounters with potential threats.

"Wait wait wait... So you mean to say that not only do you know who this creature is, but you're actually gonna try and find him?" Zico threw his arms dramatically in the air, signalling how insane he thought the whole idea was. Taehyung huffed, moving back to his alpha after Hoseok gave him a nod, telling him it was ok to let the vampire go.

"Of course we are," Jin said, Namjoons arm tightly wrapped around him in a loving and protective manner. "Jimin is our friend now, even though we practically met him two nights ago" Jin continued. "If Jimin needs help, it's our duty as his friends to assist him in any way we can," Namjoon finished.

"You guys don't know much about Yokais, do you?" Zico snorted, clearly entertained with the unknowingness of the gang.

"He will kill you before you even get a chance to talk to him or worse..."

"He will make you kill each other,"

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