Chapter 4

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*Beep beep beep...*


Jimin groaned, rolling over to his side, not wanting to get up. The alarm on his night table showed 7.30 am and if he was gonna be able to get ready for school in time, he had to get up now.

Problem was that he didn't want to. Because of his mothers spell the kid woke up with a headache, an unfortunate side-effect.

"Jimin! Come on, its time to get up!" his mother called from downstairs in the kitchen and soon after, Jimin could hear her chanting little spells and the smell of pancakes rose from the floor below.

"Hopefully no more episodes" Jimin whispered to himself, crossing his fingers before he reluctantly tossed his duvet aside and got up from bed. Walking towards the bathroom, he looked outside the window, taking in the view. Seoul was cloudy this morning and the weather forecast had predicted small, local showers of rain.

No one in view so far.

Jimin shrugged as his eyes quickly flashed a shade of pink. He got this unsettling feeling as if someone was watching him from the street, but upon looking out from the window again, there were no one in sight. Jimin shrugged it off, proceeding on his journey towards the bathroom.

Jumping into the shower, he felt the warm water relax his muscles and chase away his anxious thoughts from this mornings events. He spent a good 20 minutes until he heard his father knock on the door, telling him that breakfast was ready.

Dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, an oversized burgundy jumper and black sneakers, Jimin made his way downstairs to the kitchen. His hair still wet from the shower, but he didn't mind. Letting his hair dry naturally, he would get the curls he loved so much, leaving a messy yet cute appearance.

"So... are you excited for your first day?" his moms eyes glinted, watching her son take a seat at the breakfast bar, the scent of freshly made panckaes filling his nose. "Meh..." Jimin shrugged. He was excited, but nervous at the same time. It's difficult being a new student and then starting a new school in the middle of a semester. On top of that he was also worried about the episode he had.

What if the warning was for something at school?

"I know you're nervous and still thinking about the cognition, but please try not to worry sweetie," his mother comforted, handing him a plate of pancakes. "I know mom, but you also know as well as me that we have to be cautious. This warning or whatever it is has repeated itself a lot lately. Something is going to happen, I just know it!" Jimin said determined, making his mother sigh.

Of course she knew that he was right, but she hated the fact that Jimin kept worrying about it.

The boy was angry and ashamed for being born with retrocognition and not precognition. If he was able to see into the future instead of having cognition from the past, he felt that life would have been much easier.

Accidents could have been avoided if they didn't already happen.

Neither did it help that Jimin couldn't control his ability. The cognition appeared when it wanted and where it wanted, but often in association with the young man being stressed or nervous about something.

Which proved to be most of the time. Being a halfling, the human side of Jimin always had an internal battle with his little witch, and the human always won. That's why Jimin acted, smelled and looked like a normal human, but had the ability of retrocognition.


"You want me to drive you or do you want to take the bus?" his father peeked into the kitchen, leaning against the wall already wearing his work uniform. The scientist had been transferred from the 'Creatures & Magic' laboratory in Busan, to the main laboratory in Seoul, taking his family with him.

He was currently investigating how different creatures worked and what the difference between born creatures and made ones were. The man had always been very secretive with his job and Jimin knew not to ask him questions about it.

"I'll take the bus," Jimin answered determined after snapping out of his thoughts. He always felt uncomfortable being alone with his dad. He had that kind of look on him as if he was studying Jimin.

His father knew about his son being half- human, something he was not particularly fond of, but most of the time he hid it. Jimin had always had a distant relationship with his father, the said man being very intimidating and Jimin always felt an uncomfortable feeling grow in his stomach when the man was around.

"All right, I'll see you both tonight then," he smiled, pecking Jimins mother on the cheek and ruffling Jimins hair before he went out the front door.

Jimin shivered.

"Stop thinking about it," his mother whined after reading Jimins thoughts. He gave of a smile as he swallowed the last piece of pancake before grabbing his bag and heading towards the front door.

"Stay safe!" his mother called after him on which Jimin responded with a,

"I will try!"

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