Chapter 58

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"You missed me, you missed me." The yokai singsonged in a mocking tone, laughing as he skipped away from the burning tree.

Hoseoks demon stared infuriated at the Japanese creature who was skipping around, mocking him as he threw yet another fire ball in the yokais direction. The yokai smiled, jumping out of sight just as Hoseoks demon whispered the word again.

It wasn't supposed to be this difficult?

Jungkook should have arrived by now, it should have happened already.

Did something go wrong?

"I do not fear you," the yokai taunted, moving backwards with a sinister smile plastered on his face and intentionally closer to the woods, waiting for a chance to disappear. The demon noticed, suddenly vanishing before appearing again, this time behind the yokai.

He didn't want to use this method of transportation; he felt that it made him look weak.
As if he actually had to use his powers to kill the Japanese demon.

The creature jumped, surprised but trying to hide it as he quickly whooshed away from Hoseok, the grin never leaving his face. "That's cheating Hobi," he snickered, ignoring the fact that he just did the same thing. "Besides, you're too slow," he laughed, running towards another tree and barely dodging the fireball that Hoseok threw towards him, growling as he did.

The alpha hiding at the borderline of the trees, watched with worry as the vampire in his lap shifted. Namjoon prayed that Hoseok would keep the yokai busy so that it wouldn't notice the fact that it had been played, tricked.

Yoongi was slowly waking up, his wound almost completely healed and Namjoon knew that the vampire would throw a raging tantrum when he realised that he had been used.

"You!" "Shit!" Namjoon mentally cursed, trying to avoid making eye contact with the creature currently glaring at him and a slowly moving Yoongi. The yokai rushed forward, the way he moved showed how mad he was, but before he could reach the duo, something halted his movements.

Something from within.

The creature frowned, immediately clutching his chest as he took a few steps back. He turned, looking at the demon who was now wearing a huge grin on his face.

"Wha- what?" the yokai stuttered, even though he clearly knew what was happening.

"That bitch!" his words coming out angrier and darker than before and his eyes vibrated with rage.


"Just watch," the minute Mrs Park spoke the words, Jin let a sharp, intense scream escape his throat.

He immediately put a hand over his mouth in embarrassment and fear as he watched Jimins body starting to twitch.

The halflings back arched from the table, the rest of his body limp as if something or someone tried to fight their way out of his chest. A twisted expression of pain made its way onto Jimins face and Jin rushed forward wanting to comfort him.

"No, don't interrupt!" Mrs Park shouted, grabbing Jins wrist and pulling him closer to herself, ignoring his pleads. "Stop it! Can't you see that it hurts him?! How can you do this to your own son!" the omega cried desperately trying to free himself.

Mrs Park felt a ping in her chest, close to her heart and her eyes flashed pink before she shook her head, ignoring it. "He's not the only one that's hurting," she spoke through gritted teeth, causing Jin to stop fighting her.

Jimins body rose from the table, hovering a few centimetres about it before his eyes sprung open. His mouth hanging agape in a silent scream and his eyes turned fully pink. Jin stared intensely at them, Jimins orbs vibrating before being engulfed by a dark blue colour as if the rosy shade was being pushed out of his eyes.

The minute Jimins eyes turned fully blue, he fell back on the table. Dark smoke came oozing from his mouth, quickly forming into a shadow before them. It titled its head and Jin swore he could see the mist grinning before it launched towards him and Mrs Park. Mrs Park crouched, taking Jin in her embrace, shielding the young man before she spoke a word Jin could neither hear nor understand and the shadow evaporated.

It turned silent, deadly silent before the omega struggled his way out of the womans grip and rushed over to the unconscious halfling on the table.

Jin quickly checked his pulse, wiping pearls of sweat from Jimins forehead before sitting back, leaning against the sofa in an exhausted manner.

"What happened?" he asked, baffled and confused. "The yokai," Mrs Park confirmed Jins suspicion, quickly moving to the kitchen, only to return with a damp cloth.

She gently laid it over her sons forehead, caressing his cheek and embracing him in a loving hug while whispering sweet words in his ear.

"Is it gone?" Jins voice was barely above a whisper, as if he was afraid to ask the question. "Gone, not dead. That is young Hoseoks job," Mrs Park answered, her voice too barely above a whisper. They were both internally praying, begging that Hoseok could finish what they had started.


The creature screamed.

A pained howl escaping his throat, causing Namjoon to cover his ears. It was horrible to listen to and Namjoon watched with fear, as something started moving on the yokais body.

It wasn't something trying to get out; instead something tried to spread as fast as possible over its entire being. A black substance quickly made the yokais veins visible, although there was no blood running in them.

The demon screamed again, starting to scratch its own skin, hoping that the black mixture would disappear, but to know avail.

It kneeled, its body starting to twitch and its eyes vibrating even more. Namjoon watched as the dark blue colour slowly engulfed the pink and the yokais mouth hang agape in a silent scream.

Too busy feeling the pain that was rushing through its body, slowly killing it from the inside, the yokai had long forgotten about the demon who was now moving closer to him.

Steady and determined steps until he stood in front of him, grinning.

Hoseoks demon laid a hand on the yokais forehead and laughed when the creature tried to struggle, trying to free himself.

"What? Where did the sassiness go?" the demon taunted, watching how the yokais face contoured in fury and pain. "Not too slow for you this time," Hoseok mocked, his voice shining through, giving Namjoon hope that Hobi wasn't completely lost.

The demon stopped, glaring at the Japanese creature kneeling in front of him before he spoke the word that now everyone feared.


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