Chapter 23

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"Babe are you feeling any better?" The tone on the alpha foxs voice was sweet, comforting.

Ever since he had felt the pain of his omega, Namjoon had felt nothing else but guilt. He was constantly apologizing, something that eventually had turned annoying for the omega currently lying on the beige sofa in the living room.

Jin was cuddled up in a blanket, wearing his favourite PJs with matching fluffy socks. The TV was showing some kind of Japanese game show and Jin watched with enthusiasm as the people were making fools of themselves.

He groaned upon hearing Namjoons voice.

The alpha had already decided that he was staying the night in Jin and Taehyungs apartment and Jin knew that there was gonna be a long process before he would be able to experience personal space again.

Last time he got hurt, Namjoon had spent two continuous weeks with him, not leaving Jin alone for even a moment. Even when he went to the bathroom, Namjoon was there, guarding the door.
Jin had eventually started to ignore the alpha, giving him a cold shoulder and distancing himself. When Namjoon had finally confronted the omega about it, Jin had been honest and the alpha promised to give him more space.

That discussion seemed to have been forgotten by the alpha.

"I'm fine Joonie, honest." Jin reassured. He reached both his hands in the air, twirling his wrists to show Namjoon that everything was perfectly fine, although he didn't mention the bruise that had formed on the right side by his ribs.

Jin shuffled and a sting shot from his stomach, causing him to whimper.

Namjoon was there in an instant, grabbing his hand in a comforting manner as he slowly caressed the palm. "Are you absolutely sure?" Namjoon glared at the omega.

"Yes," Jin huffed annoyed, ignoring the stinging sensation from his ribs. He was pretty sure one of them was broken, but his stubbornness and pride forbid him to tell anyone.

He had already looked weak enough as it was.

Even though he was an omega, Jin always felt that he should have some kind of strength or endurance, especially cause he was a male.

"Can you make me a cup of cocoa?" Jin asked, sweetness showing in his voice, but in reality he just wanted a minute break from his overly protective mate. "Sure, sweetie, I'll be right back," Namjoon teased and pecked the tip of Jins nose before rushing of to the kitchen.

"Oh, I don't doubt that," Jin mumbled to himself. "What was that?" the alpha peeked his head back into the living room. "Nothing!" Jin sighed, covering his face with his hands in a tired manner before groaning.

Ten minutes later, Jins eyes were locked on the TV again and the scent of freshly made cocoa was slowly filling the apartment. The omegas eyes suddenly bolted to the front door when someone grabbed the handle.

In came a whistling, overly joyed beta werewolf, completely oblivious to the fact that he was still 100% nude. For Taehyung it was natural. With the amount of times he had shifted to and from his wolf-form lately, the beta could no longer bother with bringing clothes, something that was slightly embarrasing for the people around him.

The beta walked with easy steps into the living room, slowly but surely making eye contact with the red-cheeked omega on the couch. "You ok, hyung?" he chippered, moving closer to the hybrid that was desperately trying to find some place to pin his look other than the beta in front of him.

"Better thanks. Umm Tae, shouldn't you go do something..." Jin hinted, still trying to look away from the man that was now kneeling on the side of the couch.

Tae looked confused, not understanding why Jin wanted him to leave or what he was referring to. So instead, he stood up, looked around the room before spotting the kitchen. He slowly made his way towards the room. "I haven't cooked dinner yet, hyung. Thanks for reminding me" Taehyung smiled his famous box smile and before Jin could answer, the werewolf had disappeared into the kitchen.

"3,2,1..." Jin counted and as he reached 0, the famous growl of Namjoon echoed through the apartment, followed by the scream of the beta and a pot hitting the floor.


With eyes glowing crimson red Hoseok quickly closed them. He titled his head, stretching his neck and a satisfied grin formed on his face when he heard it pop. Fangs and claws extracting as he counted in his head.

Five of them, soon to be none, but he would save one. He hadn't eaten in a week and it was time for the creature inside to feed again.

"Fire," the word slipped from his mouth the minute he locked eyes with the first target, the man that was closest to him. A strained scream of pain escaped his mouth when flames started spitting from his body and the rest of his crew watched in horror as the man fell on the ground, small whimpers escaping his twitching body.

Hoseok made quick work of the other three, leaving the one furthest away.

The man stood frozen and as Hoseok locked eyes with him, he shrieked and sat of running to the right. He immediately came to a halt when the demon hybrid appeared in front of him. Turning on his feet the man started running in the opposite direction, but the demon grinned appearing in front of him again, taunting him by tilting his head in a mocking manner.

"Please, I have a family," the man pleaded, tears of fear streaming from his eyes as he slowly backed up and into the brick wall behind him. "No you don't," the demon snorted, reading the mans mind. "Please, I'm sorry." the man whimpered, but Hoseoks grin only turned wider as he brought his claws up to the mans throat.

In a swift movement, blood was gushing out from the cut and Hoseok watched with amusement as the man slowly bled to death. He sat back, nonchalantly leaning against the wall, waiting for the last heartbeat.

Hoseok rushed forward, digging his fangs into the deep wound, drinking.

Large slurping sounds were made and they reached a terrified halfling that had watched the whole scenario in horror from behind the dumpsters.

Jimin slowly backed up, crawling out from his hiding place and was about to approach the hybrid, when a hand took a firm hold around his mouth and pulled him away.

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