Chapter 39

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"How are you feeling Mr Park, any better?" the nurse gently laid a hand on the young mans forehead, checking if there was any change in his temperature. Feeling satisfied that there wasn't, she stood up and made her way over to the cabinet, preparing the young man some much needed painkillers for the agonizing headache he was currently having. 

She came in finding Jimin quite frazzled. The halfling shaking as he embraced himself and tears were steadily falling from his bright pink eyes.

She went to work immediately, but when she asked the young man what had happened, Jimin only shook his head not being able to respond.

"I'm better now, thank you." Jimin spoke with a soft tone, accepting the pills that the nurse were handing him. With a glass of water in his other hand, he quickly washed them down, ignoring the bitter taste it gave when the tablets came in contact with his tongue.

Placing the now empty glass at the bedside table, Jimins gaze swiftly scanned the room and a slightly upset expression made its way onto his face.

He was kinda hoping that Yoongi would have stayed behind after their moment that had been interrupted when the nurse came back. Her frantic question asking and checking the young man for injuries was all the distraction Yoongi needed to slip out of her office, leaving a rather disappointed halfling behind.

After a few more moments on the bed, Jimin felt how the painkillers started to have an effect in numbing his pain receptors. He decided it was time to leave the nurse, feeling that if he stayed there any longer, he would eventually go mad from the middle-aged ladys constant blabbering and questions.

He politely excused himself, saying he was feeling much better before reluctantly accepting her sick-note and taking his leave.

Jimin didn't feel that he needed one; when he was already considering himself better than the state he was in earlier on.

Walking the empty hallways towards his locker, gave Jimin sometime to think. His mind roaming through everything that had happened over the last few days and Jimin felt an unsettling feeling creep up on him as he retraced the events.

His first meeting with Jackson, the cocky beta werewolf who thought he could pick on anyone he wanted.

Then Jungkook and Taehyung, the friendly werewolf duo who came to check up on him, followed by a selfish vampire blackmailing him into giving his blood. The one lecture he actually attended after the restroom event followed by a rather interesting lunch that had ended up with some unsettling questions and events in the janitors closet.

Jin the silver omega fox being attacked by a vampire who shouldn't even be in that part of Seoul. Then Hoseok loosing control, showing his true side after being so gentle and helping Jin to recover.

Yoongi saving him, when he didn't want to be saved or even understood why he was being rescued, then figuring it out when Hoseok and his sinister, demon-like voice wanted him. Yoongi pretending that he claimed him, being all gentle and protective before suddenly turning cold and dismissing him like nothing had happened.

The extremely cold shower that had been highly needed but turned out to be completely pointless the minute he entered his bedroom. Yoongi wanting help, but taunting him and mocking him, before suddenly disappearing when Jimin said he would.

His sleepless nights full of thoughts and his exhausting mornings listening to the beta werewolfs rants as if nothing had happened.

Excusing himself pretending to go to the restroom earlier on when in reality, an invisible force was pulling him towards the janitors closet for reasons unknown. The pained and hurt vampire who Jimin felt deeply for and wanted to help, but Yoongis harmful and cold attitude made him reconsider.

Then the same man tricking him into giving his blood...


The pain he felt, spreading like wildfire throughout his body, feeling his toes and fingers going numb from the excruciating, stinging sensation that was located on the left side of his neck.

The headache increasing to the point where he only saw stars before feeling himself blacking out and being forced into another episode.

Waking up in the nurses office with five pairs of surprised and worried eyes, fixated on his neck.

Then the butterfly and Taehyungs terrified expression before bolting out the door. Jin and Namjoon excusing themselves for reasons not specified and then last, but not least,

The kiss.

The kiss that made Jimins pain go away.

The kiss that made his headache and thoughts and questions disappear. The kiss that made him at ease feeling how their lips perfectly connected and moulded together. Yoongi looking at him with a fond expression before they were interrupted.


Jimin decided to take a detour, making a stop at the mens restroom.

He had to check something.

He found it oddly strange that the nurse hadn't mentioned the engraving that was now littering the left side of his neck. Jimin pondered and wanted confirmation, something he got the minute he looked at himself in the mirror.

The butterfly was gone.

Vanished as if it had never been there in the first place. In addition to that, the puncture wounds that Yoongi had given him, were also gone... Jimin gently caressed the spot, expecting to feel the pain he had felt when Jins finger had barely grazed it, but he felt nothing.

There were absolutely no indications that told him there had just been a butterfly carved into his skin only minutes ago.

Jimin double checked, even triple before putting his mind to rest with the result that the butterfly was indeed gone. He made a mental note to ask his mother about it, when he finally got home and to give the topic a search on Google.

Surely the Internet must have some kind of answer?

Flushing and washing his hands he continued onwards on his journey towards his locker. It was more for principle than any other reason. Technically he didn't need anything in there, but Jimin felt some type of satisfactory over the fact that he could at least do some reading when he came home.

The thought quickly disappearing from his head when he saw two fidgeting werewolves waiting form him at his destination.

"Jungkook, Tae, Something wrong?" Jimin felt the hesitation in his own voice, but he still dared to ask the question, watching how none of the wolves managed to stand completely still. "We need you to come with us..." Jungkook didn't ask it, he demanded it and Jimin only nodded, picking up pace to keep up with the fast walking duo.

Maybe some of his many questions would finally be answered in the libary where a certain hybrid and vampire were waiting for him,

Craving answers to their own questions.

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