Chapter 10

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"Well well well, isn't this my lucky day, human!"

Yoongi formed a grin on his face, moving the young man away from the sink by pulling him closer to himself. He knew that his eyes had long since turned red and the smell of blood had caused his fangs to extract, preparing themselves for the meal to come.

Jimin looked terrified, frozen out of fear and it wasn't before the creature started pulling him than Jimin reacted.

He retracted backwards, getting his hand out of the vampires grip before eventually reaching the wall, realising he was trapped. New tears threatened to spill as he watched the pale man tilt his head, looking at the one thing that had caused him to become the way he was currently behaving.

He rushed forwards, quickly grabbing Jimins hand again, causing the said male to yelp. Yoongi laid his other hand over the halflings mouth, silencing the begging and crying and making him even more terrified. He brought Jimins left index finger closer to his face.

Yoongi sniffed the blood that was coming from the small cut and his eyes vibrated ready to compel as the sweet sensation of the blood was spreading throughout his body.

He hadn't even tasted it yet, but he knew that this type would be heavenly good.

There was something special about the smell that attracted him even more and made the young man in front of him even cuter than he already was. His hair all messy, his cheeks red and stained with his beautiful tears that came from his mysterious dark, blue eyes. The jumper hanging loosely over his right shoulder making the young halfling look all hot and bothered for Yoongi.

"Not quite human, but not quite magic either. Very interesting," Yoongi chuckled as he watched Jimin trying to struggle his way out of the vampires grip.  "So how's the first day of school going for ya, halfling?" Yoongi spat the word out and it caused Jimin to shiver.

"Plemhase," the word muffled as he tried, but in vain because Yoongis hand still laid securely over his mouth. The vampire removed it, only to extract his claws so that he could point his index finger at Jimins throat, "We don't want to bring any attention to ourselves now do we..." Yoongi threatened, on which Jimin reluctantly shook his head.

"What's your name?" Yoongi asked, his hand slowly moving up and down Jimins right hand while he still had a firm hold on the young halflings left wrist. "J-Jimin," Jimins lips quivered, telling the vampire his name while trying to ignore the feeling growing in the lower part of his body.

Why was he getting aroused by the fact that the vampire was touching him?

"Please, don't tell anyone. I just want a fair chance on my first day." Jimin pleaded, small tears escaping his eyes, rolling down his red, slightly puffy cheeks while he tried to ignore the feeling of the mans touch against his body. "And what do I get for keeping your secret?" Yoongis soft voice was way too close to Jimins ear, his eyes still glowing red, licking his fangs.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked dumbfounded, hoping he could find a way to get himself out of this mess.

"Baby, I don't work for free and I don't keep secrets for free, so I have a little proposition for you..." Yoongi hinted, eyeing the blood on Jimins finger that became more and more tempting by the minutes. "What do you want?" Jimin almost whispered, he already knew the answer, but a tiny part of him hoped that Yoongi was referring to something else.

As a halfling, Jimins blood was more appealing to other creatures, especially vampires, but the problem was that while others felt pleasure after a while of being drunken from, halflings only felt pain.

"Your blood, whenever I ask for it. In return, I'll keep your little secret and you can go around and act like nothing has happened, but you'll always be available when I want you," Yoongi demanded, waiting for the halfling to answer. "Do I even get a c-choice?" Jimin stuttered, seeing no solution to this.

"Not really, but as I happen to know that this is quite painful to you halflings, I'll let you decide where to bite you." "Wow, how generous" Jimin huffed, sarcasm clear in his voice.

Yoongi titled his head, waiting while Jimin glared at his wrist, expecting the vampire to let go.

"Well... I'm waiting," Jimin looked baffled for a second before realising that Yoongi wanted a meal right away. He began panicking causing the vampire to move his claws closer to Jimins throat, almost drawing blood. "Will you stop that, you're attracting other creatures with your stress hormones. They're stinking up the place!" Yoongi hissed, making Jimin stop squirming.

He reluctantly pulled his jumper further back from his left hand after Yoongi let go of it, putting his wrist on display.

The vampire smiled, extremely satisfied with himself.

If it hadn't been for the two stupid werewolves to leave at the exact moment Yoongi stepped out of his classroom, he wouldn't have become so curious, but he was glad he had been.

"If you scream, I'll slash your throat," Yoongi threatened before opening his mouth and positioning himself. Jimin closed his eyes, biting down on his jumper as he prepared himself for the excruciating pain to come.

Yoongi bit and Jimin almost drew blood from his other hand biting so hard. The pain was unbearable. A stinging, yet burning sensation spread from his left wrist, traveling up to his shoulder via the nerve system. From there, it spread like wildfire throughout the rest of his body, causing Jimin to see stars. He focused everything he had on breathing while trying at the same time not to throw up.

On the other side, Yoongi had never tasted anything so good before. Jimins blood was like drinking something sacred. A holy drink that would send you to Euphoria and back just with one sip. It was like drinking directly from heaven and Yoongi never wanted to stop.

He was addicted, savouring every single droplet in his mouth before swallowing and then, eventually letting go.

He quickly licked the area, causing the wound to close with a thin, clear layer of saliva so that the blood stopped dripping. Jimin sank to the floor, covered in his own sweat and tears.

It was the worst pain he had so far experienced.

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