Chapter 16

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"A penny for your thoughts babe?" Namjoon wrapped his arms around the omega and whispered the words into his ear. Jin stood there frozen. After lunch in the cafeteria he had been left with several questions as to why Hoseok had acted the way he did.

Why was Hoseok reluctant to tell Jimin about what he was?

Why did he get so angry when Taehyung mentioned it?

And why does Jimin have the same power as Hoseok?

The list went on and on in Jins head and he could feel his body tensing up from the stress and nervousness.

"Hey, relax baby, its ok. Whatever it is, its ok." Namjoon comforted, feeling how his mate was slightly shaking from being so worked up. "I just, I'm so confused about everything..." Jin whispered, "Why was Hoseok acting the way he was? Why was he being so rude? Jimin didn't do anything wrong, did he?" Namjoon walked around and pulled Jin in for a quick peck, seeing how his mate visibly calmed down from it.

"Maybe he is scared? Maybe Hoseok is scared of letting others know? Maybe he is being hesitant cause he wants to protect himself" Namjoon suggested watching his mate nod in agreement. "Even so, he didn't have to be rude about it. I could see how Jimin was terrified of him as soon as he started to talk. He was scared Joonie and I wanted to comfort him," "I know sweetie, but you have to try and think of it through Hoseoks eyes too. Being what he is, I understand why he didn't want to tell. None of us really know Jimin yet, we only met him for the first time a couple of hours ago," the alpha replied while slowly stroking his finger up and down Jins arm.

"I know, it's just... I'm not used to seeing him like that. I'm used to the always cheerful and happy Hobi, but he was so different, I could almost see the creature inside him shine through. That's why I felt sorry for Jimin," Jin shivered, recalling the dangerous tone in Hoseoks voice.

"That's the omega in you. It wants to protect and care for the people around you, especially people in distress. You're gonna be a great parent some day Jin" Namjoon complemented and Jin huffed, his cheeks dragging his mouth to form a cheeky smile while at the same time turning slightly red.

"That's way too early Namjoon and you know it! We haven't even finished college yet and you're already thinking about family," Jins cheeks puffed up, forming a childish pout causing the alpha in front of him to laugh, his tail wagging behind him.

"It's never to early to start thinking about your future baby. Our future, and you will look beautiful when you carry my young," Namjoon smirked, but this time the joke went too far.

He knew that Jin didn't like it when he pulled the "baby card" on him, but Namjoon had forgot in the heat of the moment. Realising his mistake a tad late, he watched how Jins face shifted from a smile to an offended frown. His ears lied flat against his head and his tail stopped wagging as he wrapped it around his leg

"Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like th..." "IS THAT ALL I AM TO YOU?! A FUCKING BABY MACHINE?!" Jin shouted, rage consuming him and his eyes flared icy blue. He hated it when other hybrids looked down on him like that.

Yes he was a male omega, something that was very rare in the hybrid world and especially for silver foxes. But, his mother and father had always been supportive of him. He was their little jewel and they were proud of him no matter what he turned out to be.

Jin felt lucky when he met Taehyung on the first day of college. The beta werewolf had been very chatty and his famous box smile made it almost impossible to dislike him. Jin and him quickly found the tone and they had been good friends ever since.

Jin took it upon himself to act like a big brother for Tae, he was always there for him, supported him and protected him in anyway he could even if he was an omega and Taehyung had always done the same to him.

A year later they moved in together, closer to the school to make it easier for themselves. By then, Jungkook had become part of their little group as he came from the same pack as Taehyung and had imprinted on the young beta always following him around.

Something everybody seemed to know expect for Taehyung himself.

Or so they thought.

With Jungkook, Yoongi followed soon after as his close relationship to the alpha werewolf made them almost like family, despite them being different creatures. Hoseok joined not long after, already being good friends with Yoongi, Jungkook and Taehyung. He kept his distance towards Jin at first, but upon seeing that the omega was faithful he quickly opened up and decided to trust the hybrid.

Then came Namjoon and one should think that Namjoon and Jin had known each other their entire life seeing how close they were from the very beginning. Their relationship quickly turned into something more, something stronger and even though Jin wasn't officially claimed by Namjoon, everyone knew.

It was like an unwritten, sacred rule that they belonged to each other.

Jin growled out of pure rage as the alpha just stood there dumbfounded and didn't answer him back. Namjoon knew that there was no point. With the anger Jin was currently displaying he would be irrational and stupid in anything he tried to say so instead, Namjoon laid his ears back, stuck his tail between his legs and turned around and walked away.

"You're a coward Namjoon! How dare you walk away after saying something like that?! You always walk away. Fine, I don't need you anyway, you're weak! You're an asshole!"

Namjoon shrank, trying to ignore the insulting words that Jin threw his way. He knew that the only thing to do in these situations was to let Jin have his fit. Leave him alone for a while and then come back later to practically beg for an apology.

He knew his mate all too well.

Jin snarled again before slamming his locker close and rushing towards the exit of the school in the opposite direction of where Namjoon had gone.

He didn't like going this way, the exit would take him to a rather secluded back alley before he would get to the main street, but Jin was too proud and too stubborn to follow his mate.

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