Chapter 33

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Yoongi savoured every sip.

The blood was like a drug to the vampire, making him addicted immediately. His fangs were burried into Jimins neck, making the said young man cry out in pain. Jimin struggled in his hold, the pain being unbearable.

"AAAAAHHHHHmmm..." A cold hand was placed over his mouth, keeping his screams from coming out. Tears streaked his slightly chubby cheeks as he fought with his inner will to struggle and get away.

There was a dark voice inside his head that told him to be a good boy and stay still. He agreed to do this and deep inside Jimin wanted to help, even if he was helping a blood sucking, selfish vampire.

As Yoongi continued to take large amounts of Jimins blood, the halfling felt himself slipping in and out of unconsiousness. He was getting dizzy, his eyesight slowly fading.

Jimin quickly looked down towards the vampires injured arm, noticing how the redness was slowly fading around the infected area. The fluid that had previously been black was now turning into a clearer shade of the ugly colour.

Jimin felt happy.

At least it worked.

The last thing Jimin noticed before he lost consciousness was two shadows, desperately trying to drag Yoongi away from him.


Taehyung kneeled by the boy laying limp on the floor after Namjoon and Hobi had managed to pull the vampire away from him. Jimin was pale, his eyes twitching underneath his eyelids and Taehyung was almost afraid to touch him. The beta glared at the vampire, frozen in the corner of the room. Blood dripping from his mouth and Taehyung noticed how Yoongis eyes vibrated from pink to red.

He decided to ignore it.

The beta dragged Jimin out of the janitor closet.

Luckily, most of the students had already gone to classes and the five boys that were currently staring at the scene in front of them, were the only ones left in the hallway. "You could have killed him Yoongi!" Taehyung shouted, anger clear in his voice.

The alpha werewolf quickly followed as they together carried Jimin towards the nurses office, knowing that she would be out.

"Care to explain?" Namjoon crossed his arms, giving Yoongi a judging look, but the vampire didn't give a reaction, just staring blankly in front of him.

He lost control.



He couldn't believe it.

Something in his mind had clicked the moment his fangs pierced the halflings skin. He was gone, ripped of any sign of control that he usually had over the thirsty beast lurking inside him.

Yoongi looked at his hands, they were shaking from the power he had felt coursing through him and it almost made him scared of himself. Hoseok noticed.

"Guys, why don't you go check on Jimin and the pups while I help Yoongi out," he hinted, quickly shooing the two hybrids away that left without hesitation.

"You felt it, didn't you?" the hybrid crouched down with a knowing look in front of the vampire who was still shaking.

Yoongi was afraid.

For the first time in his life he felt scared of something or someone. "What was it?" the tone in Yoongis voice was weak, almost distant as if he was concentrating too much on figuring out what had actually happened. The vampire embraced himself, rocking his body back and forward in a desperate attempt to try and calm his imaginary breath down. Small, red tears escaped his eyes.

"You're bleeding," Hoseok pointed out as he went for his pocket to give Yoongi a handkerchief. The man quickly dried his tears, suddenly feeling embarrassed over the fact that he was crying in front of one of his friends, Hoseok non the less.

"You know it's ok right? You're allowed to show your emotions even though you're dead," Hoseok remarked. "You don't have to hide them just because you're a vampire,"

"I have never needed to hide them before because they haven't existed before!" Yoongi growled, suddenly looking at his injured arm.

The bite looked much better, but still there. The skin less red and the liquid that was now seeping out from it, had a clear, clean colour instead of black. Yoongi studied it, frowning before he let out a relaxed giggle. "It actually worked," he smiled for himself.

They rose to their feet, dusting off before quickly moving out of the janitor closet. Yoongi limping slightly from sitting on the ground for so long and the duo made their way towards the nurses office.

"Have you felt it too then?" Yoongi asked, suddenly remembering the question Hoseok had begun with. "Yes. Two nights ago. Back in the alley? That wasn't me," Hoseok whispered. "You lost control," Yoongi confirmed and he visibly saw how Hoseok stiffened which confirmed his suspicion.

Something was changing around them. Someone was hiding in the shadows, waiting for their chance to step into the light.

It was messing with them, taunting them.

"What is happening?" Yoongi asked.

An experienced vampire and a demon hybrid losing control just like that?

"I think there's more to the halfling that meets the eye," Hoseoks orbs flashed red.

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