Chapter 15

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"What are you?"

Jimin repeated his question and it was Hoseoks turn to get his words stuck on the way out. He had to come up with something and quickly.

Few people knew what Hoseok truly was and he would like to keep it that way, but there was something special about this young man standing in front of him. Something that peeked Hoseoks interest and he was quite fascinated by the young creature standing there, completely shocked.

Jimin decided to try a different approach, seeing as the creature in front of him was reluctant to respond to such a direct question. He thought for a while before suddenly realising that it was Hoseok he had seen in his cognition.


"Why do you appear when I have an episode?" He felt quite brave for even managing to get the words to leave his mouth cause Jimin was without a doubt, deeply terrified of the hybrid.

Even though he didn't have much of his witch powers, he could feel others auras and especially powerful ones. Hoseok was the strongest one he had felt so far and it was quite intimidating for the young man. He wanted to shy away and cower, but Jimin knew that if he were to make it through this day, his cowardness and shyness would have to take a vacation.

With only one more lecture left of the school day, Jimin had learned two very important lessons.

1. Everyone at this school thinks they own it and they will pick on anyone they deem less powerful and weaker than themsleves.

2. If he were to survive here he needed to show that he was not a force to be reckoned with.

The last thing being easier said than done.

"I'm not sure..." Hoseoks voice reeled Jimin back to reality. He titled his head, for a moment forgetting what type of question he had asked, until it suddenly popped back in his head.

'Oh yeah, the episodes'

"What do you see?" Hoseok asked. He too was quite curious to know why he appeared in Jimins episodes and there was no point in trying to avoid the fact that it was him. Jimin was certain that it was Hoseok that he had seen and Hoseok himself didn't have an excuse for why it wouldn't be him.

He was the only one like him.

Special. One of a kind to be exact.

"It's always the same. I see you. You're circling two people, a man and a woman. They're suffering cause you hurt them and you're waiting for them to die." Jimin explains, the scene replaying in his mind as he talks about it. "Then as the woman takes her last breath, you attack. Going straight for her neck and you feed on her before you suddenly stop and turn towards me. But I don't think you can see me. You're eyes are crimson red and glowing. You have your claws out and your fangs as if you're ready to defend yourself." A little tear spills down Jimins cheek and he keeps staring out into thin air.

"Then I wake up, screaming and crying and my mom always comes in and comforts me. She knows cause she can read my mind" Jimin turns to Hoseok and a twisted face expression makes its way onto his face.

The hybrid in front of him is pale, sickly pale. His eyes are free from any other emotion than guilt. They are the palest shade of purple that Jimin has ever seen and he is shocked to see that Hoseoks cheeks are stained with tears. Sparkling tears that shines like tiny crystals. Jimin is absolutely mesmerized by them.

"Do you know what the worst part is?" Hoseok can only shake his head, waiting for Jimin to answer. "The worst part is that I can feel it, their pain. Their agony and suffering shoots straight into me. But in this, I felt your pain too. You were hurting more than them. You're heart was literally breaking into two pieces and it was one of the worst feelings I have ever felt."

"Who were they?" Jimin had to know.

Why had this particular happening been so painful to Hoseok?

What had caused him to suffer so much?

A loud gulp broke the silence between them, before Hoseoks red eyes met Jimins dark blue ones.

"My parents,"

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