Chapter 27

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"Too tempting," "You shouldn't have been tempted at all!" "Too tempting, would have tasted nice, too bad!" Hoseok kicked the garbage bin, groaning as he watched it shake and almost tip over.

Just moments ago he couldn't remember anything, something that had never happened before. He always had some type of control over his demon or at least his other half was present, seeing what the demon did when Hoseok summoned him.

The fact that he had lost it, that he had been gone and left 100% of his control to the demon side of him, made Hoseok scared.

Something or someone had affected him.

His demon had told him that the halfling had tempted him. Been too tempting but because he was claimed he couldn't lay a hand on him.

Oh how he wanted too though.

How he wanted to hear the beautiful high-pitched screams that would come from the young man as he slowly cut him, making him suffer the most before he eventually went for the throat. Patiently waiting until the blood slowly seeped out of the little halfling and how he took his last breath and his heart did the last beat before he would dig his fangs into him.

Very tempting indeed,

"Shut up!" Hoseok shouted, punching the brick wall, ignoring the pain that shot from his hand. He could hear how is demon was mocking him, making a slow yet sinister laugh in his head, before it went to rest. He had been fed and was now satisfied for about a week. That was all he had asked for and Hoseok had agreed.

A place to hide and to feed, in return, power and magic that most creatures could only dream about, but it came with a prize.
A deep, regrettable prize that made Hoseok feel guilty everyday and he would continue to feel guilt for the rest of his life.

His heart split in half when it happened, leaving one part for himself and one part for his demon. That's what Jimin had seen and he had been the first one to actually notice that Hoseoks heart was broken. The wizard was pained, but he had been pained for so long that he was getting used to it.

He didn't tell anyone, didn't show it and most of the time he tried to ignore it.

It had worked well so far, until a certain little halfling had stepped into the picture.

Focussing his hearing, he huffed in annoyance when sets of new, rapid footsteps approached him. Angry men shouting after him, wanting him for their own private use. To take advantage of his abilities and Hoseok started to wonder where it all had begun.

How did the men get the information that caused Hoseok to be chased pretty much every night?

As the men came closer, Hoseok moved further away. Blending into the shadows of the dark. His eyes took on a new appearance; all black and as he chanted the words he felt how is body slowly became one with the building behind him.

He was tired of running for tonight, he just wanted to rest and this was the only way to do it.


"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" "Sweetie what's wrong? Are you ok?" his mom came running up the stairs as her son shouted the words. He panicked, quickly shoving the shadow into a closet before his mom opened the room door. "I heard shouting, are you ok?" his mom crossed her arms, awaiting her sons answer.

Jimin stood there, only wearing boxers after his extremely fresh shower. He rubbed his neck, quickly trying to come up with an excuse so that he could get his mom out of the room before something worse happened. "Yes, I'm sorry, I just stumped my toe," Jimin lied, faking a pained expression as he bent down to check on his not injured foot.

"Its all good now, see?" Jimin wiggled his toes. His mom sighed, an amused expression on her face before shaking her head at her sons weird behaviour. 'Definitely has that from his father' she thought before nodding in agreement with herself and stepping out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Jimin let out a deep breath, listening as his moms footsteps faded away. He waited until he was certain that she was back downstairs, before he opened his closet.

Two red, shining eyes was staring directly at him and Jimin fought the willingness to cower in front of them. Realising he was only in a pair of boxers, he shrieked, quickly going for the hoodie and a pair of gym shorts that laid on his bed, giving the shadow enough time to step out into the room.

"What the hell are you doing in my room, Yoongi?!"

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