Chapter 18

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"You haven't heard anything from him yet? Aren't you worried?" Jungkook tilted his head, watching how the alpha hybrid casually stretched his arms in the air and comfortably laid them behind his head. His legs were stretched out over the living room table and the TV was playing some old, boring k-drama that they had seen several times before. Next to Namjoon was a bowl of crisps, half empty and his iPhone turned on silent

The alpha groaned upon hearing the worried tone in the young werewolfs question, but even though he didn't want to admit it, he worried as well.

Jin usually never took this long before contacting him, even when he was mad and throwing a tantrum.

Something was off, but Namjoon himself was one of those proud silver foxes. He didn't want to admit defeat that easily, even though he knew that it was him that eventually had to go and beg for forgiveness.

"I'm sure he's fine, kookie. He's just angry with me and is making a fuss about it. I'll go over and check on him when this episode ends," Namjoon answered, boredom shining through in his voice as he pretended to be extremely interested in the program that was currently airing.

"Fine, just don't come running back to me when he breaks your tail. You won't have my compassion!" Jungkook answered with a snarl before heading back to the beta that was waiting in his room.

"You two fine?" Tae peeked up from in-between Jungkooks duvet and pillows and the alpha was amazed over the fact that in the little time he had spent in the living room, the beta had managed to build himself a pillow fort.

They were currently watching a horror movie together, basically procrastinating doing homework.

Taehyung wasn't very fond of horror so as soon as Jungkook left to check on his hybrid friend, Taehyung hid under the duvet while building the pillows into a fort around him. "Yeah, I just asked him about Jin hyung. He still hasn't heard anything from him and it's now dark outside. He should have been home by now," Jungkook pondered, not really suprised by neither the beta nor the alpha hybrids behaviour.

"I'm sure he's ok, Jin hyung is very good at taking care of himself," Taehyung reassured, more to himself than to the other werewolf in the room "I know, is just that even Jin hyung knows that it's not safe for him to walk alone and especially not when its dark outside no matter how angry he is with Namjoon hyung. He would still always send him a text, telling him that he's home."

"I can try and call him?" Taehyung offered, pulling out his phone and quickly hitting Jins number that he had saved on speed dial. However, before he got a chance to put it to his ear, Jungkooks ringtone echoed through the room. The alpha quickly pulled it out of his back pocket, sliding his finger across the screen.

"Yoongi hyung? Everything ok?" Jungkook asked worried. The vampire never called the others, unless there was trouble.

"Tell that little shit to answer his phone! Back alley, behind the school! The omega is hurt. I left Jimin with him. Currently chasing..." he roared before hanging up. Jungkook shivered,


He ran out of his room, leaving behind a baffled beta with loads of questions.

Halfway towards the living room he heard the pained grunt. He halted for a moment before rushing towards the sound. Namjoon was kneeling on the floor, clutching his chest as Jungkook entered.

He had already felt it.

"Where?" the alpha hybrid growled, eyes shining red. "Back alley, behind the school." Jungkook confirmed before helping Namjoon to his feet. "Go! You're much faster than me, I'll catch up!" he shouted after Jungkook, who had already rushed out the living room window and down the fire escape. His eyes started glowing red and he could feel his bones breaking as a pained whine escaped his throat.

He landed on all fours as he hit the ground and quickly started running towards the smell of blood, giving a howl on the way.


"You!" Jimin snarled and quickly covered the cut on his arm, but it was already too late.

The vampires eyes had already shifted and his fangs were slowly extracting as he moved closer to his prey. Jimin cowered and crawled backwards, still on the ground. "Please Yoongi, not now! the omega hybrid needs help! He's hurt!" Jimin shouted, panicking slightly.

Yoongi halted his movement and for a moment, weighed his wants.

A low growl escaped his throat upon realising that he had to do the right thing.

The meal would have to wait.

"How do you know?" Yoongi accused, grabbing a hold of Jimins arm and pulling him up on his feet. "I saw it!" Jimin almost whispered, looking frantic. Before another word could be said, they both heard a pained scream coming from further down the alley.

"Show me!" Yoongi hissed, running after Jimin who had already started moving again.

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