Chapter 19

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Clutching his stomach in pain, Jin looked up towards the man or creature that had just kicked him. His eyes were glossy with tears and there was a steady trickle of blood coming from the cut on his left cheek where he had hit the brick wall. His left ear was bent in a weird angle and it hurt him when he tried to lay it against his head.

"Please," Jin pleaded, but the man in front of him only grinned and Jin could see how his fangs extracted.


The mans eyes glowed a dark red and his grin turned even wider when he realised that his prey had figured him out. This was gonna be more fun than he originally thought. He hadn't really expected an omega hybrid to be walking pass him as he waited in the shadows.

He wasn't expecting a meal at all,

Because he wasn't outside to hunt.

He had indeed been lucky. 

Hybrids were always a tasty treat for a vampire. Their blood was sweet and easily addictive and the man that was currently scowling down on Jin, couldn't wait to get his fangs into the omega.

Jin grunted as he tried to move backwards, away from his attacker. A vampire bite hurt like hell in the beginning, but slowly turn into something more pleasurable. At least that's what Yoongi had told him, but Jin didn't want to experience the pain nor the pleasure that would follow after.

There was only one person in this world that were allowed to give Jin pleasure and it was definitely not the creature in front of him.

"Where are you going little one?" the vampire taunted, watching how Jin desperately tried to move away from him while still clutching his stomach.

With super human speed the man was suddenly kneeling in front of him. He grabbed Jins arm, the one he had been using to comfort the forming bruise on his stomach and gently stroked it in-between his fingers.

Jin got mesmerized by the vampires eyes.

The man was telling him to calm down and keep quiet so that they wouldn't be disturbed. His eyes vibrating and Jin had difficulties breaking the contact between them. He only did when he closed his eyes and his pained scream echoed through the alley as the man in front of him, pressed his thumb hard down on Jins wrist, causing the bone to break.

The pain exploded from the tip of his fingers, working its way up to his shoulder before spreading throughout his body. Jin felt so pained that he could even sense his toes going numb. His stomach was concentrating on keeping his almost fully digested lunch in place and more tears spurted out from Jins eyes.

His lips were trembling and he felt defenceless as the vampire slowly brought his broken hand towards his fangs. Jin made a final attempt to make the vampire loose his grip, but it only resulted in another wave of pain shooting from the nerves around the broken bone.

Just as the man opened his mouth, reading himself to drink the deliciously, sweet blood, they were both interrupted.

"Jin!" Jimin shouted and luckily it gained the attention of the two men in front of them, both kneeling by the brick wall. The vampire that was currently having a firm hold on Jins wrist, turned slightly paler if possible and his smile disappeared. He quickly rose to his feet and with a gust of wind disappeared in the opposite direction.

"Stay with Jin hyung, Jungkook and Namjoon will be here soon!" Jimin barely caught what Yoongi said before he too disappeared after the vampire.

The gust of wind that followed caused Jimin to shiver, but he quickly ran up to Jin, kneeling before he gave him a careful hug. Jin winced, but was more than happy to see a familiar face, even though it was a fairly new one.

"Are you ok?" Jimins voice was shaky and he yelped upon seeing how Jins left hand was hanging limp by the wrist.

"OMG hyung. I'm so sorry. If I would have just been quicker. I'm so sorry!" tears left Jimins eyes and he felt extremely guilty.

"Why are you sorry Jimin? Thank you for coming, how?" Jin asked, tears of relief now leaving his sore eyes. "I saw you," he looked at the confused face of the omega "I have cognition, remember?" Jimin added and Jin nodded in realisation.

"Where else are you hurt?" Jimin scanned the omegas body, looking for any other source of pain. "I'm fine, my left ear hurt a little, but I don't think its broken. My wrist definitely is though," Jin grunted, not mentioning the forming bruise on his stomach.

"I'm gonna call an ambulance, just don't move too much, ok?" Jimin stated before getting up, turning around and fishing his phone out from his back pocket.

The halfling squeaked and dropped the device at the sight in front of him. He quickly retreated backwards, stretching out his hands to defend the injured omega behind him.

"Don't come any closer!" he threatened, but his braveness was soon lost when the creature stepped into view.

A giant, black wolf with red shining eyes, made its way towards them.

It sniffed the air around it and quickly laid its ears flat against its head. The wolf peeked around Jimin to spot the hurt hybrid shielded by the young man and Jin looked up to meet the gaze of the alpha. "I'm ok, Jungkook." Jin quickly reassured and the wolf sat down, its ears perking back up.

Jimin watched amazed how the huge animal quickly changed its aura. It went from threatening and dangerous, to comforting and protective. "Yes, It's me Jimin" the halfling jumped at the voice that appeared in his head and he quickly looked from Jin to the ginormous animal and back to Jin.

"He communicates through telepathy, when he's in his wolf form," Jin explained and Jimin could only nod in a baffled way.

"He's coming isn't he?" Jin asked, looking straight at the huge animal that gave a nod in return. "I think you should go and help Yoongi. It was a vampire and you know that they are not allowed to kill their own kind." Jin never lost eye contact with the wolf.

It growled before quickly getting back on its feet, then turning around and within the blink of an eye, the monstrous animal had started galloping away, making the ground vibrate underneath their feet.

"Who's coming?" Jimin asked. He knew very little about the situation at hand and it made him feel frustrated being so clueless. He didn't have much information about other magic creatures either, that much was clear, but he still felt that he should have some type of knowledge.

"Never mind, he's already here," Jin comforted the disconserted halfling and they both looked towards where a shadow was approaching.

"Joonie," Jin broke into another set of cries as the alpha rushed towards him, kneeling down to peck his forehead. "Baby, I'm so sorry," Namjoon couldn't help but let his tears escape as well.

He felt guilty and like the worst partner that ever exited.

How could he just leave his mate like that, unprotected?

"Is he here yet?" the omega asked and as Namjoon was about to answer, he got interupted by quickly approaching footsteps.


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