Chapter 34

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Staring at the sleeping boy lying comfortably on the bed, Hoseok felt puzzled.

What was it with this creature that caused so much to happen?

First the vampire attack on Jin. Then him loosing control over his own demon almost attacking and killing his own friend and now Yoongi losing control.

The last part particularly worrying the hybrid.

Yoongi was a born vampire. He had lived a long life and had always managed to stay in control except for when he was young. That's how he had stayed alive for more than 100 years. Yoongi was cunning and clever. He knew how far to take it without going too far.

The key was to never loose the control.

"Hyung, can I talk to you?" the voice of the alpha werewolf reeled Hoseok out of his train of thoughts. Jungkook looked at his feet, feeling kind of embarrassed while rubbing the back of his neck. "In private please," Jungkook hinted and the hybrid just nodded, following the young man outside.

"What's up?" Hoseoks voice was laced with concern as he leaned against the wall behind him. The alpha werewolf usually never had problems and if he had he would never talk to anyone about them.

Not even Taehyung.

"You know that wolves have this thing called imprinting, right?" Hoseok nodded knowingly. "Kook, if you're gonna tell me that you have imprinted on Taehyung, then don't bother. The whole school knows that already. Even Taehyung knows it." The hybrid huffed, and an amused smile formed on his lips when he saw have the cheeks of the alpha contoured into a red shade of embarrassment.

Jungkook knew that everyone knew, but it still felt weird hearing it out loud.

"That's not the problem, hyung." The wolf whined. "I haven't really cared much for the whole imprinting shit cause I haven't been bothered by it yet. But recently, I have started to feel more insecure and nervous when I'm around him and its kinda scaring me because it all happened so sudden." Jungkook took a deep breath, finishing his long sentence as he looked towards the hybrid.

"I feel like I'm loosing my control,"

Hoseoks face changed into a puzzled expression

"When did this begin?" he asked. "Two days ago," the alpha confirmed.

Thinking about the possibilities Hoseok heard how his demon internally agreed with him. Proving his suspicions right.

"Leave me," he spoke and Jungkook felt offended, thinking the hybrid was talking to him. "Excuse me?" he said, tone laced with a hint of anger. "Not you," his hyung quickly reassured him before closing his eyes.

Hoseok shook his body as if he suddenly got chills and Jungkook almost gasped when he saw the shadow appear behind his hyung. "Find the vampire from the alley. Tell him to meet with me at the border," Hoseok commanded and the shadow titled his head before evaporating, a dark cloud disappearing into the sky.

"That was awesome!" the werewolf exclaimed, almost jumping up and down from excitement while Hoseok gave him a judging look, a smile plastered on his face. "I have never seen you do it before. You've only told me that you can," Jungkook defended and laughed when his hyungs smile turned wider. 

"I usually don't do it around people and other creatures. It tends to scare them off if you know what I mean," Hoseok turned around, heading back towards the building with the alpha werewolf following close behind. "I still think it looked awesome," Jungkook snickered as they aimed towards the nurses office.

Hoseok stopped before the door, retreating backwards and the alpha werewolf understood that he wasn't joining him back inside. "Where are you going?" Jungkook asked, frowning when Hoseok turned around. The hybrid looked down at his hands, they were shaking and Hoseok felt an aura coming from the inside.

Now that his demon was temporarily missing, it allowed his wizard to feel stronger auras around him. The one coming from the nurses office was indeed strong and different.

An aura he hadn't felt before and it worried him.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook repeated when Hoseok quickly turned on his heels, heading in the opposite direction. "Library," the wizard confirmed and Jungkook hesitated before running after the hybrid. "What's wrong?" he asked in a worried tone as they together rushed towards the other school building.

"Why do you want to talk to the vampire that attacked Jin hyung?" Jungkook felt an unsettling feeling creep up on him.

First, a vampire crossing a border, knowing it is illegal. Then a demon hybrid loosing control, quickly followed by a vampire losing control and now a werewolfs imprint affected causing him to loose control...

Hoseok sped up and Jungkook had difficulties keeping up with him. The hybrid was on a mission. A mission to figure out what was causing all the changes.

"Because I don't think it was Jin hyung he was originally after,"

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