Chapter 59

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An emotion that the young alpha kneeling by the edge of the forest wasn't use to feeling, but right now he was utterly terrified.

In front of him stood a vampire. His deadly eyes shining red with fury and betrayal. A face expression that made Namjoon fear for his own life.

He was genuinely scared that he might get killed tonight. His demon friend long gone. Having his own internal battle to fight and Namjoon hoped that he would manage to win the argument.

"You!" pure hatred came from the vampires mouth, reeling Namjoon back to his current situation. A situation he definitely didn't want to be alone in, but everyone else had left him to deal with the worst challenge.

An infuriated Yoongi.

The alpha glanced over to what used to be the yokai. Now, just a black lump of something that was completely unrecognisable unless you knew what it had been.

His eyes almost pleading, begging for it to come back to life so that it could take the focus of the vampire away from himself. Namjoon slowly rose, eyeing the current threat standing in front of him. His arms coming up in a surrendering manner while he took a few steps back.

"Hyung..." he tried, but was rudely interrupted by a vampire not willing to listen to any excuse that he might have. "Don't hyung me!" he snarled, taking a few steps closer to his prey while extracting his claws.

"You fucking stabbed me! How dare you! I could have died!" Yoongi threw his hands in the air in an overdramatic manner while Namjoon kept moving backwards. 

"If it's any consolation, it was all planned," the alpha tried, feeling the hair rise on his back and pearls of sweat appear on his forehead. His ears lying flat against his fluffy silver hair and his tail tucked securely in-between his legs.

Yoongi halted his movements, tilting his head and for a moment it looked like he was trying to find an answer to why the universe exists. The wrinkles on his forehead appearing and a frown made its way onto his face.

"Planned? Staged?" he pondered, not really asking the question, but just speaking them out loud as he thought. He glared at Namjoon still holding his hands up in a surrendering manner before he retracted his claws. Namjoon visibly relaxed from the vampires gesture, but still really on edge as he knew Yoongi was one to be unpredictable.

"It wasn't silver was it?" Yoongi asked, already knowing the answer but still seeking confirmation.

The alpha only nodded, now daring to take a step closer to the one that he hoped was still his friend. "Steel," Namjoon confirmed, kneeling down to lift up the dagger he had used to stab one of his closest friends with. He handed it to Yoongi who swiftly scanned it before tucking it under his shirt.

Namjoon frowned at the gesture, but quickly got rid of the thought.

They stood there in the awkward silence that was slowly building up, making the air around them thicker. Namjoon scanned the area around them, not really wanting to make eye contact with the vampire that looked like he was contemplating all his life choices. The fire had long since died out and ashes were spreading in the wind, guiding some of them towards the duo.

Namjoon waved a hand in front of his face, disturbing the direction of the ashes as well as Yoongis thoughts.

They made eye contact and another awkward silence fell over them as they simultaneously looked away again. "You okay though?" Namjoon gave a cheeky smile, deciding to break the uncomfortable aura that had been spreading. Yoongi only grunted as an answer now scanning the area himself before his eyes landed on a black puddle of unrecognisable matter.

"Is that...?" "Yes," Namjoon quickly confirmed, moving closer to the thing that had captured both their attention. "Is it actually gone?" Yoongi asked again and the alpha nodded in confirmation not catching the fact that the vampire was now frantically looking around.

"Where is he? Where's Jimin?" Yoongi asked, his voice laced with worry and fear, both emotions that Namjoon didn't know the vampire was capable of feeling.

"Come," Namjoon said, moving closer to a little path that was made visible for them. Yoongi quickly followed as they both disappeared into the forest, leaving the area of bad choices and evilness behind them.


The wind caught his fur as he ran.

The ground vibrating underneath his paws causing a loud thud sound every time they connected. His eyes blinded by the water that ran from his red, shining orbs. Jungkook snarled, feeling angry with himself. Not just because of the effect the full moon had on him, but because he felt that he had failed his mate.

His Taehyung.

A branch hit him on the side, causing several scratch marks to appear on his otherwise pure, silky black fur. The alpha whined, stretching his head in the air to howl before he sped up. Rushing through the forest as if someone was chasing him, but there were none.

He was completely alone in the abandoned forest.

Or so he thought.

There! A sound caused Jungkook to halt his movements. His massive body completely stopped what it was currently doing causing dust to whirl up underneath him as he used his paws to slow down.

Silence, Jungkook closed his eyes, listening.

There it was again, a branch breaking. Jungkooks head shot to the right, his body reacting automatically, galloping towards the area where he heard it.


Jungkook internally frowned. His lips retracting to show his canines in a defending way, even though no one could see it.

Was he hearing things now?

The huge animal shook his body, his fur reflecting the moonlight and his red eyes sparkling in the night.

Another sound.

Jungkooks ears perked up and his head shot to the left again.

There in front of him, completely oblivious to the fact that a giant black wolf was staring at it, stood a deer. A beautiful, graceful creature nibbling away on the wet grass in front of it.

The cold smoke of Jungkooks breath escaped his nostrils as the ginormous animal slowly backed up, using the shadow to his advantage. "Prey" was the only thing on his mind, watching how the deer was completely minding its own business.

He laid down, preparing. His hind limbs building up the power he needed to launch, his claws digging into the mud below him and his ears laying flat against his head.

With canines on display, Jungkook growled before jumping forwards, just at the time when he felt a sting in his chest. His eyes made contact with the deers shining, emerald ones and the image of a young man appeared in Jungkooks head.


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